The new year is a time of new beginnings; a time to evaluate your life and see where you can make improvements.

We all have areas in our lives that aren't going so well. We have weaknesses; we have flaws; we have struggles.

If you want to improve yourself, here are 30 ways to declutter your life, rid yourself of the bad and become a little better.

  1. Forgive someone who has wronged you

  2. Reduce your daily idle time

  3. Avoid waking up late each morning

  4. Say no to something that is sucking away your energy

  5. Log how much time you truly spend on social media each day and cut that time in half

  6. Donate five items from each room of your home

  7. Throw away excess soda, alcohol, energy drinks, etc.

  8. Start stocking your kitchen with fresh produce instead of processed foods

  9. Cut down your children's number of extracurricular activities

  10. Learn how to keep a planner, and stick to it

  11. Do one act of service for someone outside of your family each day

  12. Add up your debts and create a plan to tackle even just one throughout the year

  13. Establish a habit to focus on one good thing about your body every single day

  14. Move your body daily, whether walking around the block or going up and down the stairs 10 times

  15. Place some fresh plants in your home

  16. Get the recommended amount of sleep each night

  17. When you start to worry, ask yourself if the thing that is upsetting you will matter in the future

  18. Make an appointment with your doctor for a checkup

  19. Visit the dentist

  20. Write in a journal about your year and your expectations for the new year

  21. Pay special attention to how many times each day you compare yourself to others; be mindful of these thoughts and zap them when they come

  22. Stop procrastinating projects, household chores, etc.

  23. Spend time playing and talking with your kids every day

  24. Don't expect perfection

  25. Tell your family how much you love them

  26. Pray

  27. Stop being offended by every small remark

  28. Let yourself be happy

  29. Learn how to take criticism well

  30. Remind yourself that you are worth it!

Remember the success of this upcoming year is dependent on you. Rid yourself of the things in your life that you don't need and that are tearing you down. Use this list to help you overcome struggles and become a better, happier and stronger you.

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