Sure, it would probably hurt to step on a bee, but this day isn't about you. Don't Step on a Bee Day is about helping the little creatures that are responsible for pollinating more than one-third of all the crops in the U.S.

Since 1940, the number of honey bee hives in the United States dropped from 6 million to only 2.5 million. And the main threat the poor bumblebee faces is not having enough flowers or places that are suitable to nest in the country. So help the bumble bee out by making it a Bee Hotel. You'll "bee" happy you did.

Make Your Own BuzzInn


1.Start by cutting about 1 inch off the top of the water bottle.

2.Cut the sides of the paper bag off, so you only have the large flat areas.

3.Cut the paper bag sheets in half width wise

4.Use a pencil to form a roll with the paper and secure with tape.

5.Continue to roll the other paper sections until you have enough to fill the water bottle (we did about 20)

6.Place all the rolls into the cut water bottle

7.Tie the ribbon or string around the bottle to create a hanger for the bee hotel

8.Find a place in your yard to hang the bee's new retreat

Famifi This: If you are looking for other ways to help save the bees, try planting the bees favorite flowers: Black-Eyed Susan, Geranium, poppies or coneflower.

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