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Do you step on Legos and happy meal toys every other step? Today's the day to make that all disappear.

Henry David Thoreau, famous for idealizing simplicity, was born on July 12, so every year his memory is celebrated through simplification. Here at Famifi, that means getting rid of all the junk we've somehow accumulated so we can live liberated from stuff.

"In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." -Henry David Thoreau

Here are 4 ways to get everyone in the family interested in a little summer cleaning:

1. Have a Yard Sale

If you tell your kids they can turn their toys into cash, they'll be more willing to part with their "treasures." Help them go through their things and organize a yard sale.

2. Christmas in July

At the beginning of the month, each family member takes one of their sibling, child or parent's belongings and wraps it up. The belonging that's taken should be something they don't think will be missed (maybe rarely used kitchen appliance or an old video game). If someone notices what's gone missing, they are allowed to unwrap it and put it away. However, any items that haven't been claimed by the end of the month are donated to charity.

3. Packing Party

For this game, take everything in a room and pack it up as if you were moving. Whenever you need something in the box, remove it and use it. However, anything that's left in the box in the next few months must be discarded or donated to charity.

4. Extreme Challenge

Is your family ready for the EXTREME challenge? If y'all have too much stuff, this is for you. Here's how it works: On the first day, get rid of one item. On the second day, get rid of two items (the item from Day 1 doesn't count). On the third day, get rid of three things, and so on until the 30th when you get rid of 30 items. Let's see if your family is hard-core enough to make it all the way through.

Choosing what items to get rid of can be hard. Here's an infographic to help make those choices a little simpler.

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