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According to a new study conducted in Brazil, owning an exotic car makes you more attractive and sexually appealing. According to The Telegraph, researchers in Brazil surveyed 580 people, asking them how they perceived a person with a "common" car as opposed to those with a "premiere" car. The data showed that both men and women viewed the opposite sex as more appealing if they owned an expensive car. The people who drove more expensive cars ranked higher on social status, social dominance, and mate value as opposed to those who drove older vehicles. People who did not own a car were ranked the lowest by potential partners. “Premium car ownership not only seems to make you more attractive to the opposite sex, it also makes the owner themselves believe they are more attractive and socially superior,” said Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte researcher Joao Lucas G da Silva, the study’s lead author.

The study compared older model Fiat and Volkswagen pickup trucks to premiere alternatives, like the Toro Volcano 2.0. “It is likely that individuals with premium cars were considered more attractive due to the potential benefits associated with high status,” the study concluded. “Overall, both men and women can benefit from relationships with partners who possess these attributes.”

The study only adds to past research that found that expensive cars add to sex appeal. An experiment on a high street in Cardiff in 2009 found women were more attracted to a man when he was pictured driving a Bentley Continental than a Ford Fiesta. Writing in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, Mr. da Silva added: “People with high status are perceived as competent and attractive and receive preferential treatment.”

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