The Orgill family will be the first to admit they have their share of family problems - or maybe even more since they have eight children. But they deal with those challenges in an unusual way - having a family dance party.
This family of eight children recently released their fifth annual Christmas dance video, and, like last year's video, it's going viral.
"We have a lot of struggles as a family as well, just like most families, but it's moments like this when we put all that aside and just live in the moment and enjoy being together. That is the glue that really keeps us together," Melanie, the second of the Orgill children, told FamilyShare. "Family is everything to us, and this is just one way we make our relationships a priority.
Making videos is nothing new for the Orgills.
"Our mom and dad would have us act out little plays like Disney stories and original stories as well," Melaine said. "It was the kind of thing we did all the time growing up."
They didn't set out to start a tradition when they made their first Christmas dance video, which included everyone wearing their Mom's old ugly Christmas sweaters, but they enjoyed making it so much that it's now an annual event. Each year their dance video is even more elaborate than the last (although the sweaters remain the same).
Last year, their video went viral for the first time.
The family was shocked.
They were featured on ABC, Yahoo and countless local and international news coverage in Australia, the UK and Japan. All eight children were also interviewed by the producers of the Ellen Degeneres show. Although they didn't make it on the show, it's still the family's dream to meet Ellen.
None of the family members have ever taken a legitimate dance class, but several of the siblings grew up performing little routines at their local church and some sang in high school show choirs. Melaine said this facy shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's watched this year's video based on the amount of jazz hands that were crammed into their dance.
While they all enjoy this tradition, Melaine said it can be super exhausting.
"The hardest part is when it gets super late and some of us are happy with a particular filming of the dance, and others want to keep going until it's 'perfect'!" she said. "We'd be lying if we said we didn't have a few diva moments where one of us retreats to our proverbial trailer for a bit. But we always manage to find the humor in it and laugh it off in the end."
In the past, they all choregraphed the dance together, but because they wouldn't have enough time together this year, the fourth sibling, Ammon (who Melaine said is hands down the most enthusastic about the tradition), and Kalin, the sixth sibling, choreographed it before they all got together.
You can see the Orgill's video below:
And if you're wondering if anyone was hurt while practicing this fancy flip
... the answer is no.
The only accident was when Ashby, the youngest brother, accidently jumped on Melaine (who is six months pregnant). He felt so bad, but Melaine was completely fine after a few minutes.
If your family has it's share of ups and downs, keep Melaine's advice in mind: "Never underestimate what a little dance party can do for a family!"
See 2015's video here.