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How many diets have you tried? How many of them have been a success? Well, if you answered "So many!" to the first question and "Well, none really" to the second, you're not alone.

Many women start diets with the hope of slimming down and feeling their best, just to be left in the despair a week later of another failed diet attempt.

I know, because it's happened to me multiple times.

Three years ago I gained 40 pounds in a relatively quick amount of time. A year and a half later I just couldn't stand it anymore. I knew I had to do something, because I just didn't feel good about myself and always felt self-conscious.

I knew I couldn't just make myself a bunch of rules and voila! — I would follow them and be slim. I knew I had to start small and be realistic. I started to slowly implement each one of these habits and have since lost those 40 wicked pounds, and I feel healthy and good about myself again. I love the feeling of being fit, and the energy that comes with it.

I know these work because I've done it; and you can too, because they are realistic.

So give it a go, and over time, enjoy that feeling of being fit and healthy.

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