One would hope that there is nothing you need to know about pornography. While many academics wish to dismiss pornography as harmless, most married women who discover their husbands secretly view pornography feel violated. Pornography is rampant on the Internet and elsewhere.
Here are some things you should know to help keep your home safe from pornography:
Internet porn
Approximately 12 percent of websites contain pornography.
Porn use
Approximately two thirds of men in their 20s and 30s report regularly using pornography.
As of 2009, more than half of divorces were related to one spouse's continued use of internet pornography.
Internet filters
It is a good idea to install internet filters on computers to prevent accidental exposure to pornography, but a filter that can't be defeated has yet to be invented. Ironically, if you are trying to prevent a teenage boy from accessing pornography, chances are good that he's better at defeating the filter you install than you are at monitoring its performance.
It is difficult to prevent someone who wants to view pornography from doing so. To help your family avoid pornography, you must provide leadership to discourage it. Seek to obtain a promise from each member of the family not to view pornography in any form.
Many people, especially men, can quickly develop an addiction to pornography. A person afflicted with this addiction will likely seek to hide the behavior until discovered and may then try to justify it as harmless.
Signs of Addiction
Someone who is addicted to pornography will likely begin using the computer more often, perhaps at unusual times, such as late at night. They may begin to isolate themselves physically, staying late at the office, working in a private room at home or otherwise avoiding being seen while using the computer. An addicted person may neglect work or school.
Tragic Irony
If your spouse develops an addiction to pornography, he may become less interested in sex with you.
Porn access in the office
Many companies monitor employee's use of the internet to determine if employees are productive and to ensure that they do not create a hostile work environment by exposing other employees to pornography. Don't assume that your spouse can't view porn at the office, however. There are clever ways for employees to avoid detection and some companies don't actively monitor their internet usage or apply filters.
You can get help for yourself or a family member. One resource is the PureHope Ministry, which uses Christian teachings to help free individuals from their addictions.
Pornography can do severe damage to individuals and families. Knowing how prevalent it is how easy it is to become addicted and the signs of addiction can help you to protect your family and your marriage. Remember, there is help for people who wish to overcome their addictions; don't let pornography ruin your family.