Who decided that candlelight and long-stem roses are the epitome of romance? I don't know about you, but neither of those make my heart skip a beat. Most likely, the things that make your heart melt aren't "romantic" at all. That's because love is rarely made from those polished, sweep-you-off-your-feet moments. Love is simpler than that. True love is all about the little things - they're not romantic at first, but if you think about them for a minute, they're better than any fancy dinner.

Here are are 10 unromantic things that show how much he truly loves you:

1. He sees you pick your zits

Getting all dolled up for him is one version of romance, but nothing says "love" like being so free that you don't have any reservations letting him see the exposed, raw version of yourself.

2. He cleans up your vomit

Let's be honest: there's nothing romantic about barfing. But there's also nothing more tender than being willing to care for a sick spouse, especially when things get messy.

3. There's never an awkward silence

It's so romantic to have someone you can talk the night away with. However, sometimes we forget the pleasure of being with someone we don't have to fill the quiet void with. When it's love, the silence is comfortable.

4. He sees your weaknesses

It might seem romantic for your partner to wear rose-colored glasses that blind him from your imperfections. But, choosing to be with you in spite of your "deal-breakers" (because he believes you're worth it) is the epitome of love.

5. He loves you when it's hard

When you're at your worst and you aren't being nice to him (or anyone), he sees your low points as all the more reason to give you his love. He puts his arms around you to support you both physically and emotionally. He loves you when you need it, not just when it's easy.

6. He makes chores fun

Anyone can make the romance ooze on a date filled with a helicopter ride to a mountaintop where a candlelit dinner waits. But real love is making a trip to the grocery store just as special and extravagant.

7. He tells you when he's mad

We like to imagine love as a world of sunshine and daisies - there's no need to apologize when you live in a world like that, right? No matter what anyone says, this definition of love is impractical. True love doesn't mean hiding negative emotions to preserve a storybook life. The epitome of love is the freedom to tell someone how you feel because you trust your partner with your dark pieces and you believe a healthy relationship is worth building.

8. He cleans the toilet

Anyone can buy you a box of chocolates, but cleaning the toilet is true love. Love is about the real, everyday things like the nitty-gritty chores, not the occasional bouquet of flowers.

9. He lets you do what you love

Always needing to be with each other is a distorted version of romance. Your man shows you he loves you by encouraging you to be your own person.

10. He values your opinion

Even if you don't love all the same things or you don't see eye-to-eye on certain topics, he believes your feelings are valid. (He might even choose to do something he doesn't like with you just to make you happy.)

Your mister may not make grand romantic gestures often, but if he does these things, he's definitely crazy in love with you.

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