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How can you be more romantic, compassionate and loving towards your wife? It's actually simpler than you think, and she'll be forever grateful. Wow your wife with these 10 easy, loving gestures.

1. Plan an official date

Once you reached marriage, you're probably pretty laid back and comfortable with each other. This laid back attitude has its charms, but can you remember the last time you asked your wife out on an official date? Formally asking her out and planning activities ahead of time doesn't have to end once you say "I do". No matter what you plan, she'll love the thought and effort you put into your date night.

2. Take better care of yourself

This doesn't mean a dramatic makeover or anything like that - simply take a step back and see if there are any areas of personal care you could improve on. Impress her by dressing a little nicer, shaving every day or eating healthier. Your wife will find you even more attractive when she notices you're putting a bit more effort into your personal care.

3. Say "I love you" frequently

One of the easiest ways to become an unromantic man is to have the mindset of, "I don't need to tell my wife I love her. That's cheesy and she should already know." Sure, she probably does know you love her, but expressing your love (even through simple words) is a great way to make her feel more loved.

4. Give her a new compliment

If you rarely give your wife compliments, start praising her more frequently. If you feel like you already do pretty well complimenting her, think about some new compliments you've never said to her. Needless to say, she'll greatly appreciate your kind, thoughtful words.

5. Set aside together time

Frequent time spent only with each other is vital for a happy, healthy marriage. Impress your wife by going out of your way to set aside time in your busy schedule to be alone with her. She'll really appreciate your effort and greatly enjoy the intimate time she gets to spend with you.

6. Engage in meaningful conversation

Put down the phone, turn off the TV, turn down your music and start a conversation instead. This will especially mean a lot to wives who spend the majority of their day with only their own young children to talk with. So talk about something that would interest her and engage in meaningful conversation with your love.

7. Praise her in front of others

This can be as easy as introducing her by saying "This is my beautiful wife," or "this is my brilliant wife." You can also brag about her at family get-togethers or while out to eat with friends. She might grin bashfully or say, "Oh, stop," but inside she'll be dazzled by your kind praise.

8. Take care of the house chores she had on her to-do list

Think about the chores she does on a regular basis and get to them before her every once in a while. If she usually prepares sack lunches for the family in the morning, quietly put them together the night before and surprise her when she opens the fridge tomorrow. If she's always the one emptying out the dishwasher, unload it right when it's down and watch her smile when she realizes the chore is already done.

9. Check up on her during the busy day

When the two of you are apart during the day, send her a text, give her a call or even take a break to take her out to lunch. She'll love to get the welcome surprise in the middle of her hectic day. Checking up on her in person or through your phone is a great way to let her know you're always thinking about her.

10. Offer to do an activity she'd enjoy

It doesn't have to be grand - a simple foot rub, a romance movie night or takeout from her favorite restaurant are all spectacular ways to show her you love her.

Overall, the key to wowing your wife is showing her selflessness and compassion, so demonstrate love in whatever way you can.

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