He's picking you up in an hour, and you're almost ready. Going on a date sometimes feels like interviewing for a job position-you both secretly analyze each other all night. If you're going on a date with your boyfriend or spouse, you can still use these techniques to keep the dating spark alive. If you're going on a first-time date, make sure to do these things-he'll love it:

1. Style your hair with confidence

You can tie your hair back into a ponytail, or you can try that new braid you saw on Pinterest. Spend a few extra minutes on your hair-it's usually the first thing someone notices.

2. Perfume, perfume, perfume

OK, don't overload on perfume, but make sure your smell is noticeable. When a guy says, "Wow, you smell great," a woman's confidence is instantly boosted.

3. Put on those heels

Unless you're going to a sporting event or doing some type of physical activity, dress up a little! If you're a woman who doesn't want to wear heels, then don't-it's that simple. But if you're going to a nice restaurant, play or party, bring those heels out of the closet.

4. Shave your legs

If you're wearing long pants, you can skip this step. But shaving your legs doesn't just have to be for a man's benefit. You'll feel more confident and cleaner when you shave, shampoo and lotion.

5. Prep your purse

Make sure you have everything you need, even if you don't think you'll need it. Include a phone charger, band-aids, tampons and face powder. You never know what could happen, and you don't want to be left with a dead phone and no idea what to do.

6. Bring your wallet

He won't go crazy for your money, but if you bring your wallet as a backup, you'll look ready. If it's a first date, offer to buy dessert or something small. He'll most likely decline your money, but he may notice how cool you are at being willing to share.

7. Dance it out

Dancing before a date may boost your confidence and calm your nerves. Play some music while you're getting ready, and you'll automatically get more excited for your date.

8. Brush your teeth

Brushing your teeth before the date will make you feel fresher and make you look better too. Also, bring some mints or gum for your evening, especially if you're going to be eating garlic bread or hamburgers for dinner.

9. Brighten your eyes

Don't overload on the makeup, but adding a little sparkle or white eyeshadow to the edges of your eyes can make them pop. Find what colors work for you. Your date will be looking at your eyes all night, so make them memorable.

10. Add some sparkle

You don't have to be a girly-girl and throw on tons of glitter, but if you have something cute you've wanted to try, try it! You can even add sparkle in subtle ways with the jewelry you wear. Slip on that gold necklace, wear those bangles or put on some earrings.

11. Send cute texts

If you have his number, send him some casual texts before the date. Don't send too many and come across as creepy, but be excited enough in your texts to make him excited for the date too.

And don't forget about the post-date text (PDT). Women who send the PDT may give off a signal they want to go on another date. Even if the date was just OK, sending a thank-you text is a polite thing to do.

Dressing up or looking cute doesn't have to be solely for a man; you can do what you want just for you! These things may differ depending on the kind of date you're going on, but each of them will give you added confidence and preparation for your next date.

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