Let's face it, love just isn't the same between two newlyweds and a couple who has been married for 40 years. It doesn't change for the worse - it changes for the better. But it's normal for a new couple to feel nervous when the honeymoon phase has ended and the butterflies and sparks start dying down.
Just because the fire seems to be growing dim doesn't mean the love is fading, it just means it's transitioning into a new, unfamiliar love. One that comes with two full-time jobs, a mortgage and a couple of kids.
But just because the excitement has slowed down doesn't mean the love has to slow down with it. Here are 11 things you can do to get your husband to fall in love with you more and more every day.
1. Write him love notes
They can be as short or as long as you'd like. Stick post-it notes on the bathroom mirror, write on the fridge with an expo marker, or slip little notes into his pocket to find while he's at work. He'll be smiling all day long.
2. Take him on a spontaneous date
Get the kids a sitter and be all ready to go by the time your husband comes home so he has no time to ask questions. Surprise him with dinner at his favorite restaurant, go for a walk around the park where he proposed or go somewhere brand new and make an adventure out of it.
3. Make him breakfast in bed
Make the whole shebang. Pancakes, toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, fruit and orange juice topped off with a love note. He'll worry he forgot a special date, but let him know it's just because you love him.
4. Spend time doing one of his hobbies together
People love sharing what they love with the people they love, and it will make your hubby so happy if you ask him to teach you how to fish. (Or whatever other hobby your husband loves.)
5. Brag about him on social media
Everyone loves a little ego-boost. Post a cute picture of the two of you looking good on a date night and brag about how great your man is and how much you love him. He'll appreciate your little gesture of digital PDA.
6. Kiss him a little longer than normal when you say goodbye in the morning
Mornings can be so busy (especially if you've got a couple of kids to tame) that a goodbye kiss can become quick and just part of the routine. Take a few extra seconds when you kiss him goodbye to let him know you'll miss him while he's gone.
7. Make Rice Krispies treats
... or any other sweet treat he enjoys. Make it a surprise for him to find when he comes home from work. It'll be a sweet pick-me-up after a long day and it will put him in a good mood for the rest of the evening.
8. Pray with him
Nothing unites the two of you more than coming together as one under God. When the two of you kneel down together and converse with God, you will grow closer as a couple.
9. Go camping
Even if it's just in your backyard, have a little campfire and toast up some s'mores together. Pitch a tent and spend a night under the stars with your hubby.
10. Thank him for all that he does
Your husband does a lot and sometimes acknowledgement goes a long way. Thank him for all the hard work he does inside and outside the home. When he receives that praise, he's more likely to help you out around the house.
11. Ask him if there's anything you can do for him
You two are equal partners in your marriage, but every now and then (especially if he's had a rough day at work), ask him what you can do to help him even more. Even if he doesn't ask you to do anything, he'll love you for the offer.
12. Tell him you love him
Tell him everyday. When you pass each other in the kitchen, take his hand and say, "I love you." Take a moment to make sure he knows you really mean it.
As love evolves over the years, it comes with an added bonus of comfort and trust. While you might feel nervous at first when the honeymoon phase ends, you have so much to look forward to in the years to come as you fall in love with each other more and more every day.