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Some people have this talent of gift giving that somehow skipped over the majority of us. For "the majority of us" gift-involved holidays send us into mild panic as we try to think of the right present. Oh, we want to be give a great one, but thinking of what to get is hard. Really hard.

Although no gift-giving list can cover all types of men, we think this one can generate enough ideas to get you a solid Father's day present that shows your real appreciation for your honey.

Image courtesy of Blue Basket

Sneaky back massage

Your husband wants to play with the kids, but on some days work is exhausting. This shirt is the sneaky way for him to interact with your kids, lay on the floor and get a light back massage from tiny toy cars all at the same time. You can see the tutorial at Blue Basket or if you aren't feeling crafty you can buy it.

Image courtesy of Eighteen25

The Dad book

Download this sweet free book from Eighteen25 to print out and have your kids fill in the blanks. It's a great last minute gift that doesn't scream "generic".

Recreate his childhood

If he isn't really a gift-loving person, go for the experience factor instead. Ask about one of his favorite childhood memories and try to recreate it as much as possible.

Image courtesy of Lenore M. Edman, www.evilmadscientist.com

Bike lunch bag

Yes, this looks girly, but change the fabric around and you have an extremely practical gift for any husband who bikes to work. Instructions on how to make the bike lunch bag can be found here on Evil Mad Scientist .

Acknowledge his hobbies

You know him best. Buying a gift that shows you know specific things about him is flattering. In a small survey about what they would most like to receive for Father's Day, the most common answer from Dad's was receiving something that showed that their spouse specifically knew their hobbies. For example, a music-loving Dad said he would like a tambourine.

Make a memory video

This year for Father's day I've filmed my brothers and sisters telling a memory they remember of my Grandpa - my Dad's dad. He passed away four years ago. I'll compile it into a little video that he can watch as a memory of his dad.

This could be adapted to be a video of his friends, family or children talking about their memories of him with a love shout out at the end. Free video edit software like iMovie works just fine for little videos like this.

Indulge his inner boyishness

Buy him a gift that he doesn't feel like he can buy for himself, or something that he once loved a long time ago and hasn't played with for a while. This could come in the form of an action figure, Legos or a skateboard.

Turn to his love language

If he doesn't like gifts or isn't the nostalgic type, look to his love language (words of affirmation, service, physical touch, gifts, quality time) to create a gift that speaks to him. If his love language is service, consider doing something on his to-do list that he has been putting off for a while.

Image courtesy of Alpha Mom

A project to do with his kids

Provide him the pieces and instructions to have an activity with his kids that he can help them create like this adorable mini toolbox tutorial found on Alpha Mom. This would obviously only appeal to a certain personality, but if he is handy and likes making things with his children this could be a fun idea.

Image courtesy of Crafty Morning

Jazz up something practical

You can make a practical gift you know he needs have a little more personality, like this cute idea for a grilling spatula,. See the tutorial for making this spatula card on Crafty Morning or go on Pinterest for a million other cutesy print outs.

Gifts of experiences

Buy him tickets to something that will be memorable: a cooking class, a sports game, or some eccentric local activity neither of you have done before.

Make the world a better place

For the man who doesn't like stuff, consider donating money in his name to a cause he feels deeply about. There are millions of sites you can do this through from anything like providing a family in Africa with a goat to donating to an account for a family you know going through a hard time.

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