What would you do without your sweetheart? They mean everything to you, and sometimes you don't have the words to express how much you love them. On their bad days, you wish you could just hold them and do whatever it takes to see your darling smile.

Here are 12 things you can do to show your spouse they mean the world to you:

1. Leave a note

Write a note on the bathroom mirror or slip a note into their bag to read at work. It's a sweet gesture that tells your spouse you're thinking about them and that you love them!

2. Iron their clothes

I hate ironing. I'll actually avoid buying clothes if I think they'll require frequent ironing, but sometimes, I know it's inevitable. It would mean the world to me if my honey ironed my clothes for me.

Choose a task you know your partner hates and do it for them - they'll be oh so grateful.

3. Plan a surprise date

Maybe tell them to expect a date so they can get ready, but don't tell them what you're doing. Make it a surprise - even if it's something simplelike having a picnic in the park. Adding a little bit of mystery is a sure way to perk up your sweetheart!

4. Give them a foot rub

Your sweetheart works hard, so let them know you appreciate all the work they do. After a long day, giving them a foot rub with no thought of reward says "you are my world".

5. Thank them verbally

When they do a favor for you, say "thank you" - even if it's something they do regularly. Even daily chores feel a little less tedious when you know that your spouse appreciates it.

6. Fill up their gas tank

Filling up the tank can feel like an inconvenient chore, especially if you're constantly on-the-go. Fill up their gas tank so they don't have to worry about it - they'll love the sweet gesture.

7. Put your phone down

Give your one love your undivided attention. Talk about your day and let them talk to you about theirs without feeling second best to your electronics.

8. Tell them what you love about them

Don't just tell your honey that you love them, tell them why you love them. Point out traits you admire. Tell them specifically how they've made you a better person. What ever you say, they'll absolutely love it.

9. Brag about them

My dad was once speaking in front of hundreds of people - my mom included - when he shared a story of my mother helping out someone in need. It was a story from over 20 years ago, but as my dad shared it, it was the first time I ever saw my dad cry. He was so touched and so clearly in love with this wonderful woman. I, as well as everyone else listening to him speak, was incredibly touched to have experienced such a sweet moment of pure love and admiration.

When you brag about your sweetheart, it doesn't have to be this grand. It can just be to a friend or family member ... But still let people know how incredibly lucky you feel. Your spouse might feel a little bashful, but they'll really love it.

10. Wear that outfit you know they love so much

Slip on that favorite outfit you know love to see on you. It's a sweet way of telling your honey you know what they like and you want to make them happy.

11. Read them a book

When I was younger and my family went on road trips, my dad would read a book aloud while my mom drove. Usually, the kids would be sitting in the back doing our own things, but my dad made sure to read a book for my mom to help pass the time.

You can read the book with your honey while they're in the bath, before you two go to bed or while they're putting away laundry. Whenever you do it, it's a sweet way to spend time with your spouse.

12. Ask for their advice

When you have a question or decision to make and you're unsure of what to do, ask for your spouse's advice. This shows them that you respect and value their opinion in your life.

Whether or not your spouse needs an emotional pick-me-up, they would love to hear how much you love them. You two complete each other; you're the yin to their yang and the jelly to their peanut butter. Let them know that, and they're sure to return the favor.

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