No matter who ended the relationship, when your ex shows back up in your life, trying to win you over, you wonder why.

To get to the bottom of this question, I asked men to anonymously share the reasons why they want to get back together with their ex. Here's what they said:

1. Because she's the most beautiful thing to ever exist

Some men want their exes back because they believe they will never find someone better.

2. So I can treat her the way I promised to (but failed)

Other guys recognize that they made mistakes in the relationship. They want a second chance to be the boyfriend their ex deserves.

3. I miss her friends

Getting back together with an ex may not be about her at all. Some guys want to restart their relationship because they're lonely and miss being a part of their ex's group of friends.

4. Because she laughed at my jokes

Sometimes all a guy wants is a little ego boost. He loved how his ex made him feel about himself, and he wants it back.

5. She had the cutest sneeze

Many men said they missed specific things about their ex. These characteristics are so unique that they don't expect to find them in any other woman.

6. It's easy to idealize the best of a relationship when you're not in it

Sometimes he just remembers the best pieces and forgets about all the reasons for breaking up. (Maybe sometimes you do that, too.)

7. She's my best friend

Maybe he knows that he and his ex ended their relationship for a reason but, at the same time, it's hard to break up with both your girlfriend and your best friend in one go.

8. Getting back together is better than facing rejection

Many guys admit that the idea of getting back in the dating field and risking rejection sounds too painful to be worth it. They decided that they'd rather get back with their ex than take that risk.

9. I miss cuddling with her

You'd be surprised how many men miss the simple feeling of holding their girl close.

10. Being "just friends" is too hard

Stepping back and becoming just friends after dating can be challenging. A man sometimes wants to get back together with an ex because being less than what they were isn't enough.

11. It's familiar

Many guys admit that they want their ex back because new relationships are different than what they're used to. They crave the comfort of familiarity.

12. I miss having someone there for me - no matter what

Being with someone offers security. Some men miss having someone in their life who they can always count on when they need support.

13. I miss kissing her

Many men just miss the physical intimacy they were accustomed to when they were in a relationship.

14. She took care of me

It's hard to be separated from that tender love and care.

15. We were soul mates

Some men want their exes back because they genuinely think they were meant to be.

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