My 10th wedding anniversary is rapidly approaching. We are planning on renewing our vows. While brainstorming, I realized my vows are strongly reflecting on the many reasons I love my husband. I always tell my husband how much I love him, but I do not tell him why. Perhaps on occasions I share a reason or two, but I think he deserves to hear the reasons a lot more often.
Sharing memorable moments and exchanging an "I love you" as often as you can is sweet and romantic. Moreover, communicating the reasons why you love him adds a special touch to the marriage. It can make a strong bond stronger.
Instead of waiting for his birthday or Valentine's Day, pick random days to tell him how much and why you love him.
Here are 15 possible reasons why you love your husband:
Gives you good advice
Husbands are not your girlfriends. They will give you honest and harsh advice. As much as my husband knows I am sensitive, he is always straightforward. At the end of the day, our husbands want the best for us.
He trusts you
He doesn't worry that you stay out with friends or family later than expected. He is not constantly checking on you because he is jealous or suspicious.
You can be yourself around him
You can say or do goofy things or laugh in a geeky way. He accepts you for being comfortable in your own skin.
You and your husband are a team
He values your opinions and consults you before making any household or financial decisions.
Comes straight home from work
The idea of spending time with friends every day after work starts to fade. He prefers to rush home and start an early evening with you and the children.
Loves your family
He treats your family with the love and respect he has for his own family. If your family needs support or a helping hand, he is right there for them. My husband has been a strong support system for my family.
Never judges you
He doesn't criticize the way you look, talk or do things. If you have an idea - as insane as it is - he will support you all the way.
Respects you and the children
He never uses strong language or expressions or physical abuse to get a point across.
Enjoys spoiling you
Not only with gifts but with unconditional love and attention. You do not have to seek attention. Your husband automatically offers it to you with a touch, a hug or a kiss.
Protects you
He is ready to shield you from harm. He will defend you, and you can count on his support.
Makes you laugh
He is the only one who can make you laugh when you are feeling at your lowest. He consoles you but manages to bring a sense of hope with an innocent joke.
Good cook
He loves to whip up your favorite meals when you least expect it. When you are running late from work, he has no issues cooking that evening. It's sweet to come home to a wonderful homemade meal after a long day.
Puts you first
You are his number one priority. Your needs and wants come first.
Loves and respects animals
He never harms animals. As a matter of fact, he treats them with respect and as part of the family. Our dogs are part of the family, and my husband gives all the love he can possibly give them.
Words of affection
He loves texting cute messages or calling you during lunch just to tell you something tender.
Your husband knows you love him, but telling him why you do will just reassure what he already knows and feels in his heart.