Whether you're dating a wonderful guy or you've been married to your husband for years, it's important to make an effort to show your man you love him. Although he probably already knows, it doesn't hurt to give him little reminders as often as possible.

Here are 20 ways you can show your man you're crazy about him:

1. Do something nice for him

Leave him a love note in his car, make him his favorite lunch or do a chore he's been avoiding. Whatever you decide to do will mean so much to him.

2. Give him specific compliments

Your sweetheart knows you think he's handsome, but does he know how much you love his laugh or how much you look up to him? Specific, meaningful compliments will give him reassurance that you notice and love everything about him.

3. Take him on an adventure

Adventures are the best way to bond with your man. Whether you plan a fun weekend getaway or a beautiful local hike, you're sure to have a good time together and he'll appreciate that you took the time to plan something exciting.

4. Ask how his day was

Ask, then truly listen to his answer. If he says "good", but you know there's more to the story, ask more specific questions and let him tell you his worries and frustrations.

5. Do something he loves

My husband loves to fish and I really don't love it. But, when I go with him we always have a good time and he appreciates my presence. You might not love his hobby, but spending time together is fun regardless of what you're doing.

6. Ask for his help

Whether you need help pulling something down from the top shelf or you're making a big decision and need his opinion, asking for his help will make him feel valued and needed.

7. Give him alone time

Everyone needs their space and sometimes it's hard to remember that when you're in a close relationship or marriage. Let him be alone when he needs it and make the best of your time together.

8. Encourage him

We all know life can get rough. And when we get down on ourselves, a little encouragement from a loved one can go a long way.

9. Notice his efforts and achievements

If your sweetheart makes an extra effort to help around the house or finishes a project he's been working on, let him know you're proud of him.

10. Pray for him

There's no better way to show your man you love him than praying for him on a regular basis. Doing so will help him, you and your relationship as a whole.

11. Make his favorite dinner or treat

You probably know your man well enough to know what he likes, so surprise him by making his favorite food one day. He'll really appreciate it!

12. Rub his back

If you can sense he's had a particularly long day or if you just want to do something nice, a back rub is a great way to go. It's a romantic, intimate gesture that is greatly appreciated and feels amazing.

13. Send him a flirty text during the day

If you spend a lot of time away from your sweetheart during the day, send him a sweet text telling him you love him, miss him and can't wait to see him again.

14. Say "thank you"

Thanking your man is so important. He wants to know the things he does are appreciated and noticed, and you should be the person to express your gratitude to him. (He should do the same for you, too.)

15. Say "I'm sorry"

Apologizing is never easy. If you feel you've done something to hurt your sweetheart, tell him you're sorry and move on. It's so much better than bottling up resentment and frustration.

16. Let him take a nap

I have a really hard time letting my husband nap because I just want to spend all the time I can with him. But sometimes, he needs it. Letting him sleep for even 20 minutes will make his tired day so much better.

17. Kiss him longer than usual

When you're kissing him goodbye in the morning, make it last a little longer. That lingering kiss will stay with him all day, and he'll return the favor when he sees you again.

18. Listen to him

Sometimes, all your sweetheart needs is someone who will listen to him. Even if he's talking about something you couldn't care less about, listening will let him know you genuinely want to hear what he has to say.

19. Help him reach his goals

You know what's important to your man and what his dreams are, so help him make them happen.

20. Tell him you love him as often as possible

Actually telling your sweetheart how much you love him will let him know you're crazy about him. You can never say those three words too many times!

The most important thing to remember is that love goes both ways, and husbands can do these things for their wives. Your sweetheart will be so happy to see you making an extra effort, and your love will only grow stronger for it.

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