Winter is almost here, and already we're starting to feel its cold sting. Even with the increased bouts of rain or snow, the cold and the weather shouldn't stop you from having a romantic date.

If you're fresh out of ideas for good, winter dates, here are 23 of the best indoor dates you need to take advantage of this winter:

1. Indoor ice skating

Most everybody loves to ice skate. There are many indoor ice skating rinks all over the world. Have fun skating while keeping safe from inclement weather.

2. Cook a meal together

Fancy or not, food always warms the heart.

3. Go to a local concert

Whether it be a big name in show business or a small, local concert, hearing live music is a great way to have fun with your date.

4. Have a question and answer session

Find or write down questions you want to know about your date and answer them honestly. This is a creative way to get to know your date and learn something new. It's also a great way to get to know his or her personality.

5. Play board games

Get a group together and play games you loved while growing up. You'll not only have a blast, but you'll enjoy a little bit of nostalgia with someone new.

6. Attend a local play or arts event

Be it a musicalor the performance of a classic play, each will open your eyes to the beauty of the world in an entertaining form. Both can also be quite romantic.

7. Build a fort

A fort isn't just for kids. If it was fun when you were little, it will certainly be much more fun now. Once your fort is built, play some games or cuddle and watch a movie.

8. Go to your local animal shelter and play with the pets

They don't like going outside when it's cold either, especially when they don't have a home of their own. Make the animals' day by visiting them and playing with them.

9. Make a gingerbread house

Have a competition with your date (or group date) to see who can make the best gingerbread house. The most creative one wins! Make sure to have a little extra candy to snack on while you make your candy creation.

10. Attend a sporting event

If you both like sports, going to a local sporting event is the way to beat the winter blues. The game will sure to be endearing, and it allows you ample time to get to know your date.

11. Indoor camping

Missing summer? Bring summer to winter by setting up a tent in the living room and camping indoors. Don't forget to roast some s'mores or make tinfoil dinners to top the night off.

12. Bookstore date

Go to a local bookstore and find books you love. Meet up with your date after or go together and trade books with each other, explaining why you love each one. It's a great way to get to know each other (and their taste in literature).

13. Play indoor mini golf

Miniature golf is always a fun date to go on. Playing together will get you talking and allow for friendly competition between you and your date.

14. Play video games together

Choose your favorite video games and play them together. If MarioKart is on the list, you're a definite winner.

15. Drive around town to see Christmas lights

Grab some hot chocolate and drive around town together looking at all of the Christmas lights. Some people go the extra mile when decorating their homes and have musical light shows on display.

16. Have a scavenger hunt at the mall

Go to your local mall with just you two or a group of friends to have a scavenger hunt. Set a time limit and meet back once the time is up. Whoever finds the most things gets a prize.

17. Go indoor rock climbing

If you're the adventurous sort, what better way to have fun that indoor rock climbing? It's a great way to stay active while having fun.

18. Go to an indoor shooting range

Learn about gun safety and how to fire a gun at an indoor shooting range.

19. Attend a local comedy show

Everyone loves to laugh. By going to your local comedy show with your date, you'll be able to catch some laughs and have a hilarious night together.

20. Have a progressive dinner with friends

Enjoy a three-course meal from three different places with friends that will not only keep you warm, but make lasting memories with good friends and a great date.

21. Take a trip down memory lane

Pull out old yearbook, photo books, or scrapbooks and reminisce about your childhoods together. You'll learn a lot about the person your date used to be, how they've changed and much more about who they want to become.

22. Start a book club

Read a short book together and once you finish, talk about it! It'll be interesting to see how different or how similar your opinions are.

23. Re-watch the classics

Choose from some of the best movies, or one you or your date has never seen before. It'll make for a great time to cuddle and see a great movie that's been around longer than both of you.

If you're in for a challenge, try to do all 23 before spring. Happy dating!

10 Indoor Date Ideas For Winter

What's your favorite winter activity? Tag someone to share these ideas.


Posted by I Love My Family ( on Monday, December 19, 2016

12 indoor date ideas

Don't let the cold weather discourage you from planning something romantic. What's your favorite winter activity?


Posted by I Love My Family ( on Monday, December 26, 2016

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