It seems there are so many things that can tear a marriage apart: arguments, finances, infidelity, lack of continued love, extreme stress or one or both spouses feeling unloved or unimportant. Whatever the circumstances, there are ways to glue your marriage together and keep it strong amid the trials that befall your relationship. Here are three things that will help you stick together as a couple.

Continue your courtship after marriage through weekly date nights

Spend time alone - away from kids, stress or other distractions - to rekindle your love for each other. Your relationship will become stronger and more solid as you take the time to go on weekly dates with each other. Use this time to talk, share feelings and fall in love over and over. Find what works for your marriage whether it's taking a long walk, going to dinner or a lunch date while the kids are at school or going on a double date with another couple. Taking time to bond, even when life is busy and hard, is a big part of being able to stick together in the midst of trials.

Be thoughtful when it comes to your spouse

If you can continually think about the well-being of your spouse, seeking to help her with her needs and try to lighten her load instead of thinking only of yourself and your needs, you will show that you care about your spouse. When you serve each other, you love each other more. If he has had a hard day at work or at home with the kids, try to let him have a break or show extra love and affection. Take turns deciding what to do for date night. Help each other with responsibilities. Listen when your spouse is talking. Do something nice such as getting tickets for his favorite sporting event or to a concert she would love as a surprise. Keeping your mind focused in positive ways for your spouse can solidify your marriage.

Use physical touch to grow closer

Intimacy is important for any marriage. That doesn't necessarily mean sex every day. Holding hands, kissing, cuddling, massage, back scratches, embracing and other loving touch is a big part of bonding. From the time we are children, physical touch was something that we needed. We could feel the love of our parents through it. The same goes for marriage. Though verbal communication is very important to a marriage, that physical connection is equally imperative. Try to show physical affection in the morning, before separating for the day, upon coming home and before bed. Physical intimacy is a key component for staying bonded as a couple.

With all the possible forces in the world that can dissolve a marriage and relationship, couples must work hard to glue their relationship together into an unbreakable bond. When it feels like everything is trying to tear you apart, re-applying the glue of date nights, thoughtfulness and physical touch is a sure way to keep you sticking together throughout your marriage.

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