When used properly, Facebook is a helpful and enjoyable social media platform that connects you with family and friends. My husband and I have Facebook, but we limit the time we spend on it. Besides the fact that it is time consuming, we no longer feel comfortable sharing much of our personal lives. We have seen how indulging in too much information leads to conflict and embarrassment.

Oftentimes, a person posts a status update assuming it is harmless - just pure entertainment; however, he may later realize what he posted was embarrassing or inappropriate.

Here are three ways you're embarrassing your spouse on Facebook without even realizing it.

Starting an argument

You post an opinion, but it comes across as rude, escalating to a nasty argument. For example, you and your spouse likely share mutual friends even if you do not hold close relationships with these people. You read a mutual friend's status (which has nothing to do with you or your spouse) and you dislike what you read. You feel the need to respond, and your comment comes across as offensive.

Though you have the right to your opinion, it's important to exercise caution when you express how you feel - especially when the issue happens to involve your spouse's coworkers or business partners. An offensive comment causes unnecessary tension between your spouse and others.

You may also start an argument between you and your spouse. Instead of resolving your issues in the privacy of your home, you drag the argument online for everyone to read. You post a status belittling your spouse or describing why you are highly upset. Not only do your friends read this, but some friends take the liberty of commenting. Now your private matter is on public display.

Compromising images

Let's say your spouse is reluctant when it comes to displaying certain images - for example, photos from childhood or college days. You decide to post them anyway for "flashback Friday" or "throwback Thursday" for all of your friends (and their friends) to see. The images may be laughed at, judged or both. And though you posted the pictures for fun, you actually embarrassed your spouse. Not only have you disrespected your spouse's wishes, you have allowed the Facebook community to ridicule your spouse.


Many may see flirting as innocent, but flirting quickly gets out of hand. A person can cross the line from behind a screen instead of face to face. Whether or not your spouse is on Facebook, posting flirtatious statuses/responses or sending flirty messages is disrespectful and leads others to believe you do not value your marriage. If your spouse found out, imagine the embarrassment and hurt he or she would feel.

All social media platforms should be a place of positive connectivity, places for sharing fun, respectful material. Perhaps it is a good idea to consider your spouse before posting a status or an image. You do not want to accidentally humiliate the love of your life.

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