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The I-love-you milestone is one of the most important moments in a relationship. For both men and women, it takes a lot of time to be prepared to share these words because they aren't just three words. They are a commitment. They create an added responsibility that changes the future of the relationship instantly.

Although there is no rule saying the man needs to say it first, more often than not he will. When he says those words, instantly a woman's thoughts begin to turn.

If she doesn't respond for a while or does not quickly reply with the sacred three words you had just shared, that does not mean she doesn't feel the same way. You may have just caught her off guard!

But if you are worried and want desperately to know what she may be thinking, it is likely one of these things.

1. I did not expect this.

2. You're gonna want to meet my family if I say it back, and I'm not ready for that.

3. Aww, crap ...

4. You're amazing, and I love you too.

5. I'm so embarrassed.

6. I don't like you in that way, but I want to still be friends.

7. I can't believe you chose me. Could I get any luckier?

8. Is thank you an appropriate response?

9. I wonder how many kids you want?

10. I love you too, but I don't want to move too fast.

11. I don't love you.

12. I love spending time with you.

13. FINALLY!!!

14. Oh, no.

15. I'm sorry if I mislead you. I didn't mean to.

16. I love you like a brother.

17. Why don't I feel a thing?! I've been dating you for 6 months, and now I feel nothing.

18. I wish I loved you; I really do.

19. We could move to the suburbs and start a wonderful life together!

20. I love your best friend Johnny.

21. Hearing you say that makes me so happy!

22. I can't believe you are opening up to me like this. I have to say it back!

23. I'm so glad you are telling me how you feel. I was really starting to worry.

24. I thought this was just physical.

25. June wedding, here I come!

26. Why me?

27. I don't know anything about you!

28. I love you.

29. Wow, this is a surprise. There are so many things I love about you.

30. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

31. I am scared saying I love you back is going to freak you out. Or, do you expect it?

32. What do you love about me?

33. Is it too soon to say this now?

34. I am not quite ready to say the word love, but I do have strong feelings for you as well.

35. No one makes me happier than you. No one.

If it worries you that she did not say I love you back, ask her why. Taking such a big step can be overwhelming, and she probably doesn't want to mess it up. Letting her know it is okay for her to wait to say it back may give her the relief she needs to then tell you how she really feels.

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