Cultivating a great relationship takes lots of work. However, it's the small, even easy, things that make the biggest difference. These 41 things are simple, but their impact can be grand:

  1. Do her favorite activity with her

  2. Put the seat down

  3. Put her photo on your desk

  4. Go to bed early, just to talk

  5. Take her on dates

  6. Don't look at pornography

  7. Write her a love letter

  8. Confront problems

  9. Let her wear your clothes

  10. Call her by a nickname

  11. Do what you say you will

  12. Take pictures with her

  13. Fill her car with gas

  14. Be your best self

  15. Cook her dinner

  16. Make her your No. 1 priority

  17. Set goals with her

  18. Plan a girls' night out for her

  19. Admit your mistakes

  20. Look your best

  21. Kiss her lots

  22. Share household responsibilities

  23. Bring home her favorite tasty treat

  24. Try to get to know her even more

  25. Care about her family

  26. Tell her what you like about her

  27. Brag about her

  28. Forgive her

  29. Ask her advice

  30. Celebrate her successes

  31. Refuse to compare her to others

  32. Tell her your secrets

  33. Surprise her

  34. Love her kids

  35. Text or call her in the middle of the day

  36. Don't talk badly about her

  37. Pray for her

  38. Hold her hand

  39. Listen to her

  40. Leave her notes

  41. Tell her you love her

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