How many times have you said, “new year, new me”? The idea of change sounds great when the new calendar year is approaching. We start pulling our list of resolutions together and really look forward to having our best year. However, when the time comes around, it is a different story. Unfortunately, many studies show that most of us will not follow through with our resolutions of change. While the data may not be encouraging, we can go against the grain and follow through with the resolutions we set for ourselves. Who better to do this with than our significant other? Here are five new year resolutions couples can make together.
Lose Weight, Be More Active
Losing weight, getting fit, and being more active are some of the most common resolutions people make. Generally, we pile on more weight in the winter season. After all the yummy holiday foods and leftovers, it’s not surprising that losing weight and getting fit would be on the top of most people’s lists. According to statistics from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, more than two-thirds of adults are considered obese or overweight. This is one of the reasons it’s so imperative to take our health seriously. Our lives depend on it. If this is a goal that you and your partner are trying to reach, it makes sense to make this journey together. You guys can work together as partners. Not only will you look your best in the new year, but you will also feel your best in the new year. Also, fitness clubs tend to offer great deals at the beginning of the year knowing how popular these resolutions are. Make your health a top priority with your partner in the coming year.
Stress Less
We all stress. There probably isn’t a day you can look back on and not think about a point where you stressed, at least some bit. The idea of eliminating stress in your life is a great one, but it is also an incredibly big task. For many, it’s a goal that’s too big to reach. We tend to stress just thinking about not stressing. When January 1 comes around, you may start thinking about all the things you didn’t do in the previous year and all the things you’ll have to do in the year moving forward. While eliminating stress all together may be too large of a task, there are small things you can do to reduce the stress that you may want to consider doing with your partner. Consider taking out time to meditate or do yoga with your partner during a time you are both available, and able to focus on these tasks together. Not only will it reduce stress, but it will also bring you guys closer.
Debt Reduction
Another top resolution is to let go of bad spending habits and reduce debt in the new year. Yet, this resolution is a lot easier said than done. If you're incredibly deep in debt, it may be hard to think about getting rid of it all at once. Then add in the fact that around this time of year, we tend to spend our money buying special holiday gifts. Debt reduction can be a great goal to set with your partner in the new year. Many financial advisors recommend that you begin to make small, budget-friendly goals for yourself instead of setting large, unattainable goals. If you’re someone who buys lunch during your break every day, consider packing your lunch at least three times a week. You will be amazed by how much money you will pocket when you put away the money you would have spent on the non-essentials.
Let Go of Drinking, Smoking
Drinkers and smokers tend to make quitting their top priority when it comes to their new year resolutions. We know that smoking cigarettes and drinking heavily is bad for our health and our wallets. Eliminating these from our daily intake sounds great, but success rates tend to show otherwise. Generally, we can kick the habit for a few days or weeks, but when the new year's stress starts to weigh in, we pick right back up on old habits. This is why it’s a great idea to work with a partner on this. Sometimes, just having your partner in your corner is the support you need to keep pushing through a bad habit. Even if they are not a drinker or a smoker, they can still keep you focused and hold you accountable to your goals.
Volunteer For a Cause
Few people don’t want to feel like they are being a better person and making a difference for those in need. This is one of the reasons why it’s such a popular resolution. We know that all the problems from the previous year will be very present in the new year. While many people’s hearts are in the right place, even the kindest people can have difficultly following through with these commitments. Often, we are so caught up in our own lives that finding time to commit to volunteering can be tough and stressful. The start of the year is a great time to consider taking up a cause you are passionate about. This is a wonderful venture to take on with your partner. Not only will you feel like you’re making a difference in the new year, but you will also feel empowered. Change begins with us.
Resolutions can be difficult, but they are achievable. A great way to get started on any resolution with your partner is to write out your goals. Begin to manifest them. What are you planning to achieve? What are you willing to be intentional about? What are your timelines for each goal? Hopefully, the changes that you make will be more than short-term goals and will dramatically improve your life and your partner’s for the better. The time for change is now!