Sometimes our homes can be battle zones — fighting and contention, cookie crumbs covering our furniture, financial stress and marriage struggles. As wives and mothers, we know we have to face these challenges head-on; but sometimes our better half doesn't want to face them — especially after a long day. Working late hours and finding other activities to do can be an easy out.

Luckily, you can make your spouse want to come home. Here are five ways to make your spouse count down the minutes until the work day is over — every single day.

1. Keep a tidy home

Your home doesn't have to be spotless. In fact, if you have young children, it never will be. However, by keeping a tidier home, stress levels will decrease and happiness will increase. Studies show that living in a cluttered home brings additional stress, and can leave you feeling overwhelmed. To help lower stressful and overwhelming feelings for your spouse — and for yourself — do a quick 10-minute clean-up before he walks in the door. This is a good time to clear the counters and make sure all the dishes are clean. It is also a great time for picking up toys and cleaning up those cookie crumbs.

2. Put a smile on your face

There will be hard days when your husband walks in the door and you want to just give up. But instead of crying and being upset that he is an hour late, put a smile on your face and ask how his day was. It will be much easier for him to come home when he sees a happy wife vs. a grumpy one. Remember, the mom of the house sets the tone of the home. Don't ruin your night by having a negative and poor attitude.

3. Immediately show affection

#LoVe #hubby #last4days

A photo posted by Çağla Düvenci Sönmez ?? (@socialmomm) on

When your husband walks in the door, walk up to him and greet him with a kiss. Throw your arms around him and tell him how happy you are that he is home. Your husband is less likely to want to stay at work if he knows he is genuinely missed — and happily welcomed — at home.

4. Add an element of surprise

Dad said "take a picture of me so you remember how good it is" #IMadeHimDinner #surprise

A photo posted by Marque Naomi (@parlettt) on

Every once in a while, surprise your spouse when he comes home. Send the kids off to a babysitter for a few hours, make a special dinner for him and spend some time alone with one another. You could also pick him up from work and take him out to his favorite restaurant or go do something he wants to do. Be creative with how you surprise your spouse. A few new ideas not only makes him excited to see you, but also strengthens your relationship.

5. Set expectations together

Our favorite time of the day ? #whendaddycomeshome ? #meplusErickequalsthisbeauty ???

A photo posted by @ericcaahhhh on

If you like to know beforehand that your spouse will be late from work, tell him to give you as much notice as possible. If he wants dinner at a certain time or wants a few minutes of quiet time when he gets home, he should also make that clear. When you set expectations, you will know what the other wants, it will keep you both happier and help you both better enjoy your time at home.

It doesn't take much to make your spouse want to come home from work. With very little effort, you can bring a smile to your husband's face and make him happy to come home each day.

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