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There are few moments in life as precious and tender as the moment a husband and wife discover they are expecting. Finding out a new member will be joining your family is a time you will never forget.

In a recent Reddit thread, pregnant women took to the forum to share their husbands', "So adorable, I'm dying!" moments.

The responses were incredible:

1. Constant reminder that "It's not that bad!"

2. Tender morning routines

3. Constantly checking in on his wife and baby

4. He already loves the little munchkin ... sigh

5. "I was the 'cup guy'"

Why does this happen?

Husbands undergo psychological changes during pregnancy as well. Psychologist Elizabeth Eden describes a man's heightened awareness of his impending fatherly role once his wife announces their expectancy. The imminent birth brings a flood of memories and emotions from his very own childhood. He reminisces on his own father and questions what kind of dad he will be, regardless of whether this is his first or third kid.

Pregnancy may also require the male to reconcile with the idea that he is giving up his role as son to become the father himself.

Fathers-to-be do not experience any physical changes but significantly rely on their partner's physical report. Eden describes a male's emotional and physical health to be dependent on their spouse's during pregnancy, with evidence that one out of ten men will have psychogenic physical symptoms due to the pregnancy.

Even though a husband does not get to experience the unique pregnancy experience, he is a loyal shotgun rider there to enjoy the ride with his beautiful wife. He is there to support and enjoy the open road of parenthood ahead.

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