Trying to find a real man amongst a sea of boys is like looking for a needle in a haystack. But believe me those needles are there. So how do you find them? Burn the haystack! This is a simple way to pick the truly mature apart those who keep up appearances.

Step one is quickly figuring out who the boys are. Then (and this is the hardest part), you have to move on - Quickly! And keep looking for the real men. So to help in your search, here are 5 things real men don't do.

1. Seek praise for doing the right thing

Real men do the right thing without being asked and with no expectations. They do it because it's right. Someone who seeks a reward for good behavior doesn't see the value in the behavior itself. A real man's morals can't be bought. If the guy you're dating expects congratulations, praise or any kind of reward for being a good person you need to move on and find a real man.

2. Take money from their exes

With the exception of child support, real men don't take money from their exes. Alimony and divorce settlements may be declared by the courts but a real man won't collect on those debts. Real men earn their own living. If he'll live off of someone else's money what will stop him from living off of yours?

3. Cut corners

Real men do not take the path of least resistance. A boy will put in minimal effort to get what he wants. A man will work hard to create a life you both can be proud of. You can't trust someone who always takes the easy way out to build a strong foundation for you and your family. So keep looking.

4. Play it by ear

More spontaneous men may like to have days of adventure, or love taking an exciting vacation. But they don't skimp on planning when it comes to their lives. Or yours. Don't stick by a guy who plays life like a game of dice instead of thinking 10 moves ahead, as in chess. Real man have a plan for their lives. It may be flexible and account for changes and emergencies, but he's mapped out his goals and made a path to achieving them.

5. Waste your time

A real man won't waste your time. If he knows you're not the one, he'll leave. If he doesn't want the same things from life, he won't string you along. If he has no plans to truly date you, he won't pretend to. It may be harsh and hard to hear, but sometimes real men are the ones to break your heart. But don't be discouraged - He's releasing you to find your true match even more quickly instead of selfishly hoarding you and lulling you into a lie.

You can catch the fast track to finding love when you realize real men and boys are easy to spot. There's a big difference between someone who has grown up and someone has just gotten older. Take these cues to heart. And remember the five things real men won't put you through.

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