Once the honeymoon phase is over and you settle into life's old routines, you can start to miss the good old days of dating your husband- days full of excitement and butterflies. Initially, it was exhilarating to win your husband over and you loved feeling so close as a couple. But now, he feels distant. Romance is on the backburner, and things aren't like they used to be.

If you want to win back your happy marriage and your husband, you can. You just need to act sooner than later.

Here are six actions that can help:

1. Take care of your self-esteem

Your current marital situation can take a hit on your self-esteem - but don't let it happen. Raise your head up and be proud of yourself. Your husband will see your confidence and be even more attracted to you. By doing things to make yourself happier and learning to love your appearance, you'll be well on your way to renewing your relationship with your husband.

2. Exercise to improve your mood

Physical exercises also help boost your mood, plus it will help you stay physically fit. Find your gym clothes, renew your membership and maybe even invite your husband along - there's no better gym buddy than your spouse.

3. Put jealousy aside

When you are with him, master your jealousy and replace it with self-confidence. Respect your husband instead of accusing him, and he'll be more willing to do the same for you. Respect and trust are such an important aspects of every marriage - the more you have of both, the better off you two will be.

4. Bring up your past together

Look back on what life was like when you both were totally in love, then commit to bringing back those habits to your current relationship. Share old photos or videos with him, and bring up happy memories often. Remembering those joyful moments will draw his attention back to first reasons he fell in love with you.

5. Resolve lingering issues

Unresolved conflicts put a strain on any relationship. Try to think back on any arguments that were never solved between you two, then work together to find a resolution.

6. Treat him as you would like to be treated

This "golden rule" is repeated often, but we could all do a little better at following it. Don't say something to your husband that you wouldn't want him to say to you. Be a good listener, be attentive, share his interests and do things you would love for him to do for you.

By doing these six things, you'll be winning back your husband in no time. Every relationship has its ups and downs, but when both partners work hard at showing each other love and kindness, you two will share a happy and long life together.

This article has been adapted and translated from the original "10 ações para reconquistar seu marido como a primeira vez" which was originally published on familia.com.br.

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