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Being married to someone with a mood disorder can take you and your marriage on an emotional roller-coaster ride. If your spouse has a mood disorder, their emotional state or mood follows inconsistent patterns that ultimately interferes with their ability to function. There are many different types of mood disorders, and the signs of one vary from person to person.

Bipolar disorder, depression, cyclothymic disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and seasonal affective disorder(SAD) are just a few of the many mood disorders out there.

There are both emotional and physical signs your spouse may be suffering from if there is a potential mood disorder. A person who suffers from a mood disorder may also experience one or multiple signs and symptoms. The good news is that people who suffer from mood disorders can be treated successfully with therapy and medication when necessary. Here are some signs to be aware of if you suspect your spouse may have a mood disorder.

Sudden loss of interest in enjoyable activities.

Noticing your spouse no longer wishes to participate in activities they would usually love to do can be a sign of a possible mood disorder. If your spouse has gradually lost interest in these activities and nothing you say or do seems to encourage them to participate, it’s a good idea to note this.

Frequent irritability or mood swings.

One minute your spouse may be super happy about something, and the next minute they’re distraught. Mood swings are not easy to deal with; they’re also a great indicator of a deeper issue. If your spouse also seems to be more irritable over things that wouldn’t typically bother them, this could be a mood disorder. It isn’t healthy for someone’s emotions to flip like a switch, so it’s essential to address this issue to prevent you from becoming the punching bag for their feelings.

Substance or alcohol abuse.

A sudden influx in alcohol consumption is an alarming sign to be aware of, and so is possible substance abuse. If you have noticed these behaviors, you must approach and handle the situation delicately. Being confronted about alcohol or substance abuse can stir up your spouse’s emotions even more, especially if they’re under the influence and are more likely to get defensive or react negatively.

Loss of appetite or overeating.

Mood disorders can increase or decrease the amount of food a person eats, so be aware of a loss in appetite or overeating. If your spouse doesn’t maintain the proper nutrients that their body needs, this can lead to other severe and possibly fatal health issues.

Self-harming or thoughts of suicide.

One of the scariest things about mood disorders is it creates unpredictability when it comes to knowing how your spouse may be internalizing the emotions they are feeling. The thought of someone you love wanting to hurt themselves or take their own life is heart-shattering. Self- harm is a way of dealing with deep emotional pain. Some people look at it as a way to help express feelings they struggle to say. Self-harm doesn’t always have to be self-inflicted pain either. When someone puts themselves in danger, such as overusing drugs, driving recklessly, or participating in other harmful acts, these are forms of self-harm and suicidal actions.

Loss of focus and lack of motivation on daily asks.

When a spouse isn’t able to carry out normal day-to-day activities because their emotional state makes it hard to focus or cause a lack of motivation, this puts more responsibility on their partner. If your spouse is having a hard time focusing on simple tasks, its because their mind is being consumed by something else.

Trouble sleeping or unhealthy sleep patterns.

Insomnia, oversleeping, restlessness, and other sleep disruptions are clear indicators of an underlying mood disorder. These signs will also make it hard for your spouse to function and be active throughout their day. It will take a severe toll on their mood, efficiency, and overall energy levels. Sleep problems have the potential to damage a person’s physical health as well as strain your marriage.

Because the signs of mood disorders can sometimes be overlooked, it’s vital to be in tune with small changes you notice in your spouse. If you can, keep a note of the changes you have seen in your spouse, such as what the difference was, when it happened, the frequency or duration, and possible triggers. Keeping track of these changes in behavior will be beneficial when you are seeking treatment for them.

If you think your spouse has signs of a mood disorder, the first step should be to seek professional help from a doctor. Medical professionals are trained to recognize and diagnose disorders, and that will be key in identifying the proper treatment plan. Mental health treatment for mood disorders should be personalized entirely based upon your spouse’s individual needs. Seeking therapy can help your spouse get their mood disorder under control so that they can live a full and happy life.

Approaching your partner from an understanding, patient, loving, and angle will be the best way to help them overcome the struggles behind a mood disorder. You can’t approach them assuming they are aware of their recent change in behavior because sometimes it can be something they don’t even notice. Be careful with how you speak to them regarding your concerns and make sure there is a loving undertone to what you are conveying. Letting them know how their recent behaviors have affected you and encouraging them to seek treatment will be beneficial not only for their well-being but also to remove a strain from your marriage.

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