A few years ago, Jim Collins wrote an amazing book called "Good to Great" where he researched the factors that separated "good" companies from "great" ones. It became an instant classed that revolutionized how many companies operate. I've looked at marriages through that same lens he used to examine companies and I've discovered some traits that seem be present in the greatest of marriages.

I believe every couple can and should have "great" marriage, and if you're willing to start where you are and start applying these principles, you'll be well on your way to "great!"

1. Great Marriages always have contentment but never have complacency

Contentment means choosing to always be thankful for what you already have whether it's a little or a lot. Great couples have an "attitude of gratitude" for all they've already got, but they refuse to get on autopilot and stop dreaming new dreams together. They're content, but never complacent. They're thankful, but always moving forward together to reach new heights.

2. Great Marriages don't have any secrets

Trust is the cornerstone of a healthy marriage, and strong couples have learned that secrets in marriage can be as dangerous as lies. When a husband and wife choose to communicate about everything (the good, the bad and the ugly), it brings a level of trust and intimacy that can't be achieved any other way.

3. Great Marriages don't have an "Exit Strategy."

Commitment leads to trust which leads to intimacy which leads to great marriages. The word "divorce" needs to be completely removed from your mind and your vocabulary if you want to create the stability necessary for a great marriage.

4. Great Marriages prioritize Fun

Laughter is the soundtrack of a great marriage. They plan and prioritize activities that will create fun and happy memories. Those activities don't need to be expensive or elaborate, but they need to be deliberate.

5. Great Marriages keep an optimistic outlook

Happy couples face the same struggles as unhappy couples, but they choose to face those struggles with a hopeful perspective and an optimistic outlook. Always choose to see the best in each other and in the world around you.

6. Great Marriages don't live on leftovers

We're all sometimes guilty of giving our spouse our "leftovers" after we've given our best energies to our job and other demands. Vibrant couples always strive to give each other the very best of themselves.

7. Great Marriages have a foundation of faith

Couples who pray together are much more likely to stay together. I believe that God is the only "perfect" part of a marriage, so the more of Him you have in your relationship, the more perfect it will become!

This article was originally published on Patheos. It has been republished here with permission.

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