Men are tough. They're made that way. They have to be because it's their job to protect their woman and their kids, but don't let that fool you. Inside they have a sentimental heart. It's very important for a man to know that he is deeply loved and appreciated by his wife.
There are many ways a woman can let her man know how much she loves him. One of these is to write him an occasional love note. Just like a woman likes to receive a love note from her husband, so does her man enjoy them from his wife. There are a number of ways you can do this. With a little creativity women can have a lot of fun fulfilling this need in your man.
Here are a few ideas to spark your own thinking
Homemade valentine
One wife had fun creating a homemade valentine for her honey. She cut out several red hearts, taped them to a ribbon and hung them from a note at the top that said, "To my sweetheart. I love you because..."� Then on each heart she wrote a reason why she loved him. To quote a few she wrote:
"You're so handsome!"� "You work so hard for our family."� "You take me on fun dates."� "You love our kids."� "You take good care of me."�
She hung it up on the wall of his study at home so he would find it the next morning. He enjoyed it so much he left it up for several months. You don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to do this. It works for any special occasion, or just an ordinary day when you're feeling tender thoughts about your man.
Trip notes
Another woman told what she did to help her husband know how much she missed him when he went away on business trips. She would write juicy little love notes and put them in places like his shaving kit, his pajama bottoms, a shirt pocket, etc. During one of their phone conversations when he was on a trip he said, "I found your note in my pajamas, and it made me dream about you all night long. I miss you so much."�
A text to your husband while he's at work is a fun way to let him know you're thinking of him. You could simply say, "Missing you."� Or, "Thanks for how hard you work for our family. I really appreciate you."� Or, "When you walk through the door tonight you're going to smell your favorite dinner cooking. See you then."� Use your imagination when sending these notes. Don't overdo it; a sweet message now and then will make him want to hurry home to you.
Greeting cards
Men enjoy receiving these, too. They provide the perfect opportunity for a wife to write a loving message to her husband. There are a lot of fun cards out there for all kinds of occasions - birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations for a promotion or graduation, and even get-well cards. Take advantage of the artistic talents of the creators then add your own personal message. He will treasure them.
Thank you notes
When he does something for you that you really appreciate, write him a note. Of course, this does not replace a hug and kiss with a verbal expression of gratitude. It just adds to the fun. When you write a thank you note be sure to make it specific. It's the details that let him know how much you truly appreciate what he did for you. Gratitude goes a long way in creating a fulfilling marriage.
Send the love to work
A woman shared in a letter to "Dear Abby"� that she and her husband were fighting all of the time. One night, she was so upset at him she knew she had to get rid of the negative thoughts or she'd never be able to sleep. She decided to write him a note and tell him all of the many things she liked about him. She put it in an envelope and placed it inside his briefcase. The next day, he called her from work to tell her how much he loved her. He not only treasured the note, he framed it and hung it on the wall. She said they hardly fight anymore and are enjoying each other much more. That's the power of a well-thought-out love note.
Do it today
It's been said, "There's no time like the present."� Start today. Think right now of a message you could write to your husband that would put a smile on his face. Go ahead, make his day. He'll love it, and so will you.