Marriage isn't always rainbows and butterflies. It takes work, sacrifice and serious commitment. Every marriage has its rough patches, but that doesn't mean it's a bad marriage. When things aren't going perfectly, it's easy to jump to the worst possible conclusion and assume things are just going down the drain until they hit rock bottom, but that isn't true. If you want to have a happy marriage, here are eight habits you and your spouse can develop together.

1. Say "I love you" as often as possible

Sometimes couples forget to say this to each other. They get caught up in the busyness of lives. Or they assume this isn't very important; that their spouse knows they love them. Even if they already know it, say it anyway. The quick profession of love is easy and helps solidify a relationship.

2. Go on dates

Just because you two are already together doesn't mean you shouldn't keep dating each other. There are always more things to learn about each other and a deeper bond to establish together. Every once in a while, make the romance in your relationship a priority to keep the sparks alive.

3. Pray together

If you want to keep your relationship strong, there's no better unifying force than that which comes from God. Pray together to stay strong and keep God central to your relationship. As you each work on strengthening your religious faith, you will come to establish faith on one another, as well.

4. Ask what you can do to help

It's easy to get caught up in your own life and your own worries, but it's always easier when you know you have your spouse there to help you out and ease some of the burdens. Be there for your spouse and see what you can do to help. You two will grow closer as you choose to face challenges together rather than endure them alone.

5. Kiss your spouse hello and goodbye

Once you're past the infatuation stage of a new relationship, it's easy to let physical intimacy fade a little bit. When you take a moment to kiss your spouse hello and goodbye, it says you love them and you miss them when they're gone.

6. Argue together

Arguing with your spouse can be healthy to an extent. If you two have a disagreement, you should have strong enough communication that you can talk it through. The opposite of love is not hate, it is complacency. If you really love your spouse, you'll care enough to disagree with them.

7. Compliment each other

If your spouse looks good, tell them. Don't be afraid to shower them with compliments in public, either. It feels nice to be bragged about by someone you love. A little confidence boost never hurts.

8. Forgive

People who are happily married never consider their spouse the enemy. They see their marriage as one complete unit, and they are willing to fight outside forces that might disrupt that unity. In most cases, your spouse isn't trying to hurt or upset you. So give them the benefit of the doubt and don't hold onto grudges - that just causes pain for the both of you. When you're going through something difficult, focus on how you can use it as an opportunity to learn together and grow closer.

When you said your "I do's", you both made a promise to love each other everyday. Some days might be easier than others, but establishing these daily habits with your spouse will help strengthen that relationship. It's guaranteed to make the hard days easier and the good days even better.

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