To the Girl Left On The Backburner,
I understand where you're coming from. I have felt the heartache you're feeling, and I truly understand your pain. I know it's hard to let go of all the memories you made together, and I know it's especially hard to move on when you had so much hope for your relationship.
You need to understand that you deserve the best. I'm not talking about any average man, I'm talking the best of the best, and he is not the best. Once you accept that and let him go, you will be able to fully comprehend your worth as a woman.
Maybe it was just this once or maybe you have had your fair share of men stringing you along. Men who give you hope that more will come of your relationship without any actual effort or proof. Or a man with some pretense for why you cannot be together now, but continues to assure that you will both get there eventually.
Maybe you think it's your fault. Maybe you believe you aren't enough or you need to fix your quirks to help him realize that you're worthy of him. Maybe you keep questioning yourself and trying to figure out what went wrong.
No more, sweetheart.
Don't be naive, you are an intelligent masterpiece with a purpose! You need to realize that it is time to put your foot down and say, "enough is enough." You are done waiting for him to see the light, you are done waiting for the time to be right, you are done waiting for Mr. Perfect to finally arrive and you are done being placed on the backburner.
It is time to move forward.
You deserve a man who is going to love you in every way. A man who will love to make you laugh and smile. A man who will love to look into your eyes and who will not be able to go more than one day without hearing your voice.
You deserve a gentleman and true love, not a 21st century flirtationship.
The gentleman who will buy you flowers, who will always get the door for you, who will look at you for the beauty you hold in your heart, who will respect you as a woman and never take you for granted is the man to wait for. He will love you unconditionally and without a single doubt in his mind.
The relationship that is stronger than bone and based on a love greater than both of you is the one that will reveal true happiness you didn't realize you could possess.
Wait for that relationship.
You deserve only the best.
Do not settle for someone who will only give you pieces when you deserve everything. Do not give up on love because of your bad experiences. The love of your life will come in its own time. And above all else, remember when a man does not take you into consideration or does not make you a priority, there is someone else who will. Be patient and wait for him. The best is yet to come.
Yours truly,
The Girl Who Learned To Love Herself