Love is in the air. Stores have turned their displays to red, pink and purple. Hearts, cupids and stuffed animals dyed romantic colors stock the shelves. Even our favorite treats are either colored or wrapped in pinks, purples and reds. It's nearly impossible to overlook Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is a special day to focus on those you love. Though most people see this as a romantic day, others choose to dedicate it to all types of love, sharing celebrations with friends and family members.

Couples may be planning a romantic evening together. Flowers, chocolate and jewelry make up the usual list of gifts. Some couples may even get engaged or choose to tie the knot on Valentine's Day.

There are even some interesting statistics from the United States Census Bureau on these establishments that supply some of the romance-induced gifts.


  • 1,185 establishments cater to making chocolate products.

  • 448 places are devoted to manufacturing non-chocolate confections.

  • 3,368 stores exist in the US that sell us, the consumers, these sweet treats.

  • Estimated value of chocolate shipments in 2014: $14.9 billion.

  • Estimated value of non-chocolate shipments in 2014: $9.3 billion.


  • There are 14,161 flower shops across the US.

  • $272,180,347 is the value of imports for flowers and buds for bouquets in 2014 (through October).

  • The total value of roses (as of October 2014) was $381,757,889.


  • As of 2013, the number of jewelry stores across the United States is 23,096.

Dating Establishments

  • Current as of 2012, there are 399 dating establishments, including online sites, for those looking for love.

Looks like there are no excuses when it comes to finding what you need for Valentine's Day, right?

How do you show love on Valentine's Day or throughout the year? Do you send flowers? Show up with chocolates, or other sweets? Surprise her with an engagement ring, or a special "just because" piece of jewelry?

Some couples may enjoy visiting cities with special love-related names. There's twenty-five named by the Census Bureau, including Lovelock, Nevada, Romeo, Michigan, Valentine, Texas and Sacred Heart, Minnesota.

Less commercial ways to show your love may include writing love letters, helping with dinner (or making it all by yourself), reading a love story or romantic book together, going dancing or just spending the evening snuggled up by a fireplace.

Valentine's Day with the family can include making heart-shaped sugar cookies—take some to neighbors, especially ones who may be alone—making Valentine's for each other, playing games together and anything else that helps your family bond grow.

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate Valentine's Day, remember it's about love. Be sincere with your gifts, love notes or other ways you choose to show your love. Make sure those who are important and loved in your life know it and feel it. Whether you're celebrating with a spouse, friend, family or in some other way, the most important part of the day is spreading love to others.

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