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You've heard the saying, "Are we having fun yet?"� If you have to ask, then obviously you're not. Fun sticks out. It sparkles. You don't have to wonder if you're having it. Now here's the tricky part—you have to make sure you have it. Fun doesn't automatically happens. It's planned for, anticipated, and enjoyed.

What types of fun can married couples have? Let's explores a few different kinds.

Big Events

These take more planning and financial preparation. Big events don't happen often, but need to happen at least sometimes during your life together. You don't want to be looking forlornly into your mate's casket one day saying, "I wish we had taken that trip."� So start planning now for a future big, fun event.

These can include a trip to a distant place you've always wanted to visit or a cruise, and are usually fairly expensive. With a little shopping around the expenses can be minimized, but it's still going to cost a fair amount.

Plan this kind of fun well in advance so you can get the best deals, and also give yourselves time to save for it.

It may take a few years in the planning, but will be worth it. Keep in mind that going into debt for a good time only makes for a bad time when it's over. Fun will linger around long after the event if you're not dogged by post-party bills.

Talk about it. Have fun making plans. Get pamphlets and look on the Internet for fun places to go. Be reasonable. Make sure it's something you both will enjoy and can afford.

Do what fits you, not what fits your neighbor

You'll be surprised how much fun you'll have together making the plans. It's like foreplay to the big event. Enjoy it to the max. Anticipation is a big part of the fun.

Simpler Events

Over-nighters are a lot of fun, and can be quite spontaneous. If you enjoy camping you can take a romantic get-away to the mountains, or to a campground near the beach. Sometimes we just choose a hotel in a nearby city and off we go without any agenda. On one such outing we arrived before check-in time so we went to an early matinee. It was full of action and adventure, so we came out pretty wired. We checked into the hotel, went to an early dinner and caught another movie to put us in a calmer, more romantic mood—you know, a chick flick. It worked.

If you have children still at home, be sure they are well cared for and then hit the road, with instructions to the babysitter and the kids that you are not to be called unless it's an emergency.

Honor your time together, devote it just to yourselves and having fun without stress or interruptions. Leave your electronic devices home.

Really Simple Events

These can be fun little weekly dates. Every couple needs a date night, without the kids. It doesn't have to be expensive. Go out to dinner, taking turns choosing the restaurant. Learn to enjoy each other's favorite foods. If you're on a strict budget, as many young families are, choose something that won't break the bank.

Even just a quick outing to the local ice cream parlor for a banana split with two spoons can be a "sweet"� time together.

A quiet walk in the park, along the river, or some other enchanting place can be filled with fun. Hold each other by the hand and talk about what you see. Feed the ducks, smell the flowers. Let the beauties of nature sink in. The key is to take the time to enjoy being together.

Put on your let's-have-some-fun thinking caps and come up with some creative ideas. Start right now. Your marriage deserves to be filled with fun. Make it happen.

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