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It all started when Bobby Wesson accidentally left his son's dinosaur toy on the back bumper of his wife's car. When he went to move the car later that day, a horrible idea hatched in Bobby's mind.

"My wife's car has this neat little backup camera that shows what is behind you when you put it in reverse... When I put it in reverse to move it later that day, its mouth full of teeth showed up super huge in the wide, fish-eye lens of the backup camera," Bobby wrote on Facebook. "It made me jump halfway out of the seat! I wanted to share that feeling with the people I love, ha ha."

And so the pranking began. Bobby started posting pictures on his wife's bumper to give her a little surprise when she started driving. He had to build a little frame for the photos out of popsicle sticks to get it to work right.

"The first few were easy because she wasn't expecting it; although I did have to rebuild my little popsicle frame often (because she'd smash it when she was removing whatever I put there)," Bobby wrote. "She got real vigilant after that and caught 3 of them before she got in the car, so I had to get creative..."

Bobby took his pranking to new lengths

"I wasn't going to be able to get her at home, once her guard was up; so I drove to her work and rolled through the parking lot until I found her car. I was afraid she'd spot it before she got in, but it kind of hugs right up against the tag so it's not that conspicuous-and she wasn't expecting it at work, so I got lucky. (That was probably the best one.)"

His wife, Rayena, works as a trauma nurse. Imagine that unpleasant surprise after a nice, relaxing day working with trauma patients.

Rayena Wesson should be nominated for sainthood (or however that works), because she still good-naturedly put up with her husband's pranks even when they continued to happen for a month.

Look at them:

"After that, I got her at the tanning bed, the gym, the grocery store ... It's harder than it sounds, because I had to do a test run with each picture and remember exactly how to set it up and make it look right, before I fixed it to the camera, on the fly. She caught me once at the pharmacy; People watching the scene thought she had caught me trying to steal her tag or vandalize the car-It was pretty funny. All in all, those few pictures took over a month or so; and she still walks all the way around her car before getting in it now."

And after putting up with all that, at least she got an occasional reminder that his pranking was really just to say one simple thing:

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