Let's face it, in the midst of dirty socks, unwashed plates, wailing children, overdue bills, and maxed-out credit cards, a date with your spouse is the last thing on your mind. There are way too many other things to spend your time and money on. However, you might want to take a moment to consider what investments are really going to make a difference in the long run. Ten years from now, you won't remember how often the counters were tidy or the beds were made - you'll remember the quality time spent with your family. Invest that time where it can really count.
Healthy Marriage Relationships
According to social scientists at the University of Maryland, the healthiest marriage relationships are those where the spouses "are growing in friendship and respect as well as love for each other"� and "share many interests and activities together."� You can cultivate this love and share your interests by going out on weekly dates. Stuck on what to do? Here are a few ideas to help you get started:
Go for a walk at the park
Not only do you get to spend some time together, but you get the physical benefits of walking as well. Consider going to a park you've never been to before or one that holds a special memory for you two. Hold hands while you walk.
Doorbell ditch a plate of treats
Sure, this one sounds like it's just for kids, but no one ever said there was an age limit to silly, adrenaline-inducing activities. You don't even have to make the treats from scratch - just buy a bag of cookies from the store if you want. The combination of doing service and feeling giddy terror at the thought of being caught is sure to have the two of you convulsing in giggles in no time.
Attend a free music recital
Especially during the summer, most cities have a schedule of free, live music events that take place in various parks and music halls. Colleges and universities also often have free recitals open to the public. Be sure to do your research a little in advance so you don't end up arriving late.
Pack a picnic
Even if it's just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, and bottled water. There's something refreshing about eating your meal out of doors, away from the conventions of the dinner table. You can make it as romantic or casual as you want - just remember to check the weather forecast first.
Go window shopping
It doesn't matter for what. Try test-driving that dream car sitting in the front row of the dealership you pass every day. Set up an appointment to walk through that gorgeous home with the spacious floor plan. These activities should help you and your spouse open up about your deepest desires and wishes and maybe even inspire you to start saving for a special treat sometime in the future.
The main idea to keep in mind with fun, cheap dates is to focus on the two of you. The date could be spontaneous or planned, a two-hour recital or a half hour walk, but the point is to enjoy this time to talk without interruptions and without worrying about deadlines at work or laundry in the hamper. Keep up this habit, and you're sure to see your marriage relationship continue to blossom and grow decades into the future.