Do you feel like you race in circles all day, but see few results from your actions at the end of the day?
Do you find yourself repeating over and over, "I would really love to go to the gym but, I just don't have time" or, "I'd be so happy if I could finish this or that project I started so long ago but, I just don't know how to fit it into my schedule?"
Breathe a sigh of relief because and use these simple tips to create the time you need to finish up those little projects you've postponed for a long time.
1. Grab a journal, a blank piece of paper, or open up a blank document in your computer and write at the top of the page "My five top life priorities."� Then choose the main five areas that are important in your life, or choose from the following areas:
Health (emotional, physical, mental, spiritual) family, children, friends, community, mate, finances, aging parent, volunteering, work, religion, fun, hobbies
2. Next, I want you to choose the five top activities you do during the day. For example, if you have 16 hours of waking time then choose those activities that take most of your time during the day:
Working, watching TV, grooming and personal hygiene, personal calls and emails, social media (Facebook, Twitter and the like), Internet, commuting, fun, children/ grandchildren, health related visits, church, community
3. The last step is to evaluate whether your daily activities support your life priorities and decide if you need to make adjustments.
Now that you have a clear idea of your priorities and daily activities, you will be able to make a better use of your time by following these tips:
Make sure that you are spending time on things that matter the most to you so at the end of the day you have no regrets.
Create a weekly schedule with the projects you must complete before the week ends.
Every night, take a few minutes to write a to-do list for the following day.
Choose three must-do activities that will help you accomplish every project.
Schedule personal time to get refreshed and reenergized.
Review how much you accomplished and what needs to be rolled over the next day's to-do list.
Always acknowledge how far you've come and reward yourself for your achievements!