So you've just found out that your going to be a father. Congratulations! However, as the pregnancy progresses, you might start to notice that most of the hard work is being done by your wife. That doesn't seem fair, now does it? Well don't worry, there are still plenty of ways that you can make things easy on the mother of your child. Here are some tips on getting involved in the process as much as possible.

Get her some snacks

In the early stages, battling nausea is a common problem. One way to spoil your wife and help her feel better at the same time is to bring her crackers, dry toast, or whatever feels good on her empty stomach, to her bedside. It's best if she can eat something and then rest for a few minutes before getting out of bed.

Help with chores

Growing a baby is hard work, and Mom will get tired easier and faster than usual. Any help you can give around the house up will be appreciated. Give her time to put her feet up - literally. Taking a turn with cooking meals is a great idea. You don't need to make something elaborate, and your wife will appreciate the the time off.

Give her a massage

Carrying a developing fetus brings on various aches, pains, and stiff muscles. A gentle massage can help her relax and work out some of the tension and stiffness.

Surprise her

Who doesn't love presents? Sometimes it's hard to feel attractive when pregnant, so a pretty new shirt or hair ornament would be a welcome surprise. Show her you're thinking of her and the baby by bringing home a new book, cute baby outfit, or her favorite treat.

Take her photograph each month

Offer to take her photo each month as a way to remember the pregnancy. This will show your interest in how the baby is growing and the changes that are occurring. Be sure to be sweet and never ridicule her bulk or tease her about being awkward or slow.

Be an active participant in childbirth classes

Just because most of the work of childbirth rests on your wife, doesn't mean that you can't still lend a hand. Be there for her in whatever capacity she'd like in preparing for the birth, whether that be with classes, practicing relaxation techniques, or learning about the process. Let her know that no matter what happens, you'll be there to help.

Give her the gift of sleep

Whenever possible, let her sleep in. It's not easy to get restful sleep while pregnant, and even after a full night's sleep she may wake up still exhausted. If you have other children, she will also appreciate the chance for a quiet nap. Take the kids to the park or a trip to the grocery store while she rests and recuperates.

Take her out for a good time

Don't forget to show her that you are still interested in her romantically. Take her out to dinner or a movie, or maybe just go for a short walk together. Many women fear that their husbands will lose interest in them during the pregnancy. Show your wife that you want to spend time with her and that you love her, and she'll be better able to cope with some of the discomfort of pregnancy.

The easiest way to spoil your wife is to ask yourself what would make her feel physically at ease, comfortable, and important to you. It's a great time to show her how much you appreciate her efforts in adding to your family.

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