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Anyone can say, "Yes, I'll love you forever," and that person can even believe it. So, if he's not lying to you, how do you know his love will last? Sometimes it's about asking the right questions.

Here is a list of eight questions that will give you real insights into his level of committment.

Can I have your mom's number?

A man who doesn't see your relationship lasting doesn't want you to get involved with his family. On the other hand, if he believes your relationship will last forever, he'll be overjoyed you value personal relationships with members of his family.

Do you want to go to Mexico this summer?

Making unalterable plans with your partner for some future date is key to understanding how committed he is. He might say he sees your relationship lasting forever, but making a future committment puts those words into action. Make plans for an exciting vacation (such as at adventure park Xplor - you can swim in underwater rivers and explore catacombs - seriously, so cool) where you can have an experience that is both exciting and cultural.

Did I make a mistake?

Someone who loves you might want to sugarcoat your mistakes, but someone who is committed to you for forever is more concerned about helping you be your best self. He knows, while it's uncomfortable to have conversations about things you did wrong, he needs to be the person you can trust to do so with kindness and honesty.

Do you believe marriage can last forever?

A big part of staying in love forever is believing it's possible. Of course, it takes effort, but when two people believe that effort will be rewarded, it is rewarded with a love that stands the test of time.

Will you pick up my dad from the airport?

First, a man who's willing to do selfless service is a keeper. Second, a man who's willing to serve members of your family is someone who thinks you are a keeper.

Will you hold my hand?

Sometimes we're in situations where we need a little support. Maybe you fear getting vaccinated or flying above forests on a zipline. Everyone has fears and, if the man you're with offers support instead of ridicule, he's someone who cares about you very much.

Did you miss me?

No matter if it's been 24 days or 24 hours, if your absence is felt in his life, he'll want to avoid that absence, no matter what (i.e. he's planning on keeping you in his life forever). He needs you in his life because you make his life better.

Do you love me?

That's pretty important.

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