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You may have realized by now that just because a man kisses you doesn't mean he's committed, and when he tells you he loves you, those might just be words.

But a man who does the following things wouldn't do them for just any woman — only the one he loves. (And they are so instinctive to him that he likely won't even notice he's started doing them.)

A man in love will ...

1. Put down his to-do list.

Falling in love will cause his priorities to slightly shift. No matter how busy he is, he will make time for you. A man who loves you doesn't constantly push off your quality time because he's "busy." At the end of the day, he knows you're the most important thing in the world to him.

2. Encourage you to go for it.

We've all had those days when we need a little push. Love sometimes means getting a friendly nudge that helps you step up your game, be a little better and try something intimidating. When he's in love with you, he naturally steps into that role because he wants, more than anyone else, you to see your own potential.

A man in love also knows how to ...

3. Take no for an answer.

You can say no to intimacy occasionally, and he respects that. You can disagree with his opinion, and he won't get offended. A man who actually loves you isn't threatened by your personality — he loves it.

4. Keep his eyes on you — and you alone.

Being in love doesn't mean he'll stop noticing beauty, but it does mean he won't lust after it. When he loves and respects you, he won't let his eyes linger on a passing beauty or seek out pornography. And if he is caught up in pornography, he'll do everything he can to fight against looking at it.

5. Overlook your hair you shed all over the floor.

As you're likely well aware, you've got flaws. It's not that your man doesn't notice these, but when a man is in love, he chooses (every day) to overlook them.

6. Show you that hilarious post he saw on Facebook yesterday.

What you think is important is likely different from what he thinks is important. Enthusiastically telling you all the details of the final quarter of a game could matter a lot to him. Even if you don't always recognize it, it's one of his ways of telling you he loves you.

It's not easy for most men to talk about their feelings. When your man confides in you, you know he thinks you're pretty special.

There are many other signs that indicate a man is in love, and every guy is different. However, don't fall for a man who does the opposite of these things. A healthy relationship consists of putting your sweetheart first, respecting their boundaries, inspiring each other to be better, being faithful and overlooking faults. The opposites are often signs that he's not in it for keeps.

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