In recent years, a noticeable trend has emerged among young people where they are engaging in sexual activity less frequently. This was brought to the forefront last summer when an article titled "Failure to Launch: Why Young People are Having Less Sex" was published, drawing attention to the statistics surrounding this trend. Research conducted on individuals aged 18 to 30 in California revealed that an unprecedented 38 percent of respondents reported having no sexual partners in the prior year. “In times and places where people live longer and education takes longer, the whole developmental trajectory slows down,” said Jean Twenge, a San Diego State University psychology professor. “And so for teens and young adults, one place that you’re going to notice that is in terms of dating and romantic relationships and sexuality.”
Further studies have demonstrated that the decline in sexual activity is not exclusive to younger individuals but is also evident in older age groups. While some may attribute this trend to religious beliefs, studies indicate that the frequency of sexual encounters has drastically decreased since the 1980s. For example, in 1989, 75 percent of all evangelicals reported having sex at least once a month, but by 2022, that number had decreased to 60 percent. Even among non-religious individuals, there has been a marked decrease, with 79 percent reporting monthly sexual activity in 1989, compared to an all-time low of 65 percent in 2022.
The trend of declining sexual activity is not limited to young adults but is also observable among those in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Additionally, the decrease in sexual activity among evangelicals aged 20 to 50 is significant when compared to the same demographic thirty years ago.
Many people are curious as to what is causing this trend. Some have suggested that increased use of smartphones, changing attitudes towards abortion, or simply a decreased interest in sexual activity could be to blame. Regardless of the cause, the statistics demonstrate a decline in sexual activity across multiple demographics over the years.