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Robert Downey Jr. did not hold back when it came to thanking his wife, Susan Downey, in his acceptance speech for his first Academy Award. Winning Best Supporting Actor for his role in "Oppenheimer," Downey Jr. thanked his wife Susan. “I’d like to thank my veterinarian, I meant wife, Susan Downey over there,” he said, after first jokingly thanking “my terrible childhood and the Academy, in that order.” He added, “She found me, a snarling rescue pet, and loved me back to life. That’s why I am here.” Following his win on Sunday, Downey Jr. told People, “We just said, let’s just check in [with each other] tonight, because it was like, you know what this feels like? It’s like our wedding night.” The actor later revealed what his favorite part of the night was, and it wasn't winning his first Oscar. “But the best part of the night — sorry, world — was there was a commercial break and we just touched heads, like two dinosaurs that were letting each other know that we we were a couple,” he added. “And it was great.”

Robert and Susan tied the knot in 2005 after meeting on the set of "Gothika" in 2003. Susan was producing the movie at the time with her job through Silver Pictures. When Downey Jr. first asked her out on a date, she wasn't sure at first, saying she found him "interesting but weird." Soon enough, Susan agreed to the date and within months, the pair was engaged.

Over the years, Downey Jr. hasn't shied away from gushing over his wife, giving her credit for getting him back on track after his struggles with substance abuse. “The old saying is true – behind every good man there’s an incredible woman. I owe a huge amount – if not all – of my success to Susan,” he told the Irish Independent in 2010. “We make a great team, and all that luck I spoke about, that’s Susan.”

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