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Former NBA player Shaquille O'Neal recently opened up about his past relationships, saying he "messed it up." In an interview with R&B star Monica on her Apple Music Hits show, "Mo Talk Radio," O'Neal opened up about his mistakes in his past relationships with Arnetta Yardbourgh and Shaunie Nelson. "I had two perfect women and I messed it up," said the Basketball Hall of Famer. "My first one was my baby mother, Arnetta, and then I met Shaunie. Shaunie was also a perfect woman, and I messed it up." He continued by saying, "Yeah, you know, we were young and always just doing dumb stuff. But, the good thing about our relationship is that they forgave me, and we have a good relationship now. But when you ask me about the perfect woman — I had two perfect women and I messed it up, just by, you know, being dumb."

O'Neal provided his advice that he has learned from the experiences and said that it is something he is teaching his own children, specifically his sons. "First thing you have to be is honest, honest with yourself and honest with your partner," he explained. "I tell my sons all the time, a man has three jobs when it comes to a woman. Protect, provide and love. Some men can only offer two, for whatever reason, but I’ma teach you how to offer all three. And that’s what I try to do — and even though I don’t have a relationship with the women that I let get away, I will always PPL: protect, provide, and love, whatever they need they get it from me."

O'Neal expressed immense respect for his exes, saying he would always "protect" Nelson and referred to Yardbourgh as his "first love." He added saying, "I’ll always be there for them. If they want to get married and find people better than me, I understand that, I accept that."

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