This article is brought to you by Bloom, an online resource of support and education for women working to recover from betrayal and broken relationships. Get answers from experts, connect with women like you, and begin the healing process today. Click here.
"I would sit comatose thinking, 'My husband. The man that I married, and the man that I loved ...'" She said, "'That man betrayed me.'"
Millions of marriages are affected by infidelity. This can come by way of compulsive pornography use or cheating.
This was a truth that hit home to Jeni (last name withheld) when she discovered her husband's pornography and sexual addiction.
"I sat there defeated. Thinking, this is my life and my husband did this," she said, " There was a time when I numbed out ... and I felt alone."
However, Jeni wasn't alone. She alongside 70 percent of spouses who had unfaithful partners suffer from Betrayal Trauma. This is a condition paralleling that of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Many of the symptoms of Betrayal Trauma are the same as PTSD. This could include anxiety, fear and depression.
The sad part is most betrayed spouses silently suffer with embarrassment and shame.
"You hear all the things people are telling you. Once a cheater always a cheater. You deserve better. Leave him now," said Jeni, "Everyone is telling you what to do. Part of you is humiliated by that thought and those feelings. And really I was comatose for a long time because of this."
Listen as Jeni alongside other women share the pain they felt, and how their husband's infidelity impacted their lives.
Bloom specializes in Betrayal Trauma. If you or someone you know is involved in an unfaithful relationship and needs help, Bloom may be a valuable resource for you. Click here to watch the video.