You first see the photo and think "duh."

Or at least I did. Judging from the load of tweets, posts and articles that burst out on this debate, I know I wasn't the only one with this reaction. Taylor Swift's tweet for example said, "I don't understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared. PS it's OBVIOUSLY BLUE AND BLACK."

{taylor tweet}

This was such a hot topic, because anyone looking at the photo was CERTAIN that their view was right. This highlights an interesting insight into our society. I think my exact thought was, "Why is this even a thing? The photo is sitting right there and it's obviously white and gold."

But then I scrolled up the page and Wha-bam! Suddenly the dress was a different color. There was this disturbing realization that what I was seeing might not be the way everyone else saw it.

All over the Internet, people like me were determined to point out they were right. Except everyone's "right" was different. This obsession with right and wrong seems to be a natural instinct in all of us. It's a major obstacle in relationships.

We get in this mindset of thinking things like, "How can you not see I'm right?" "Why on earth would you think that?" Sometimes we get a little flash of something that triggers a realization that the world may not be as black and white (or blue, in this case) as we see it. Most times we sit obstinately by and determine we won't bend. Our view is right, and that's the most important thing.

In this debate there was a right and wrong. But is that really the point? In many debates, there is no factual wrong or right. It comes down to the way each individual views the world, or the marriage, or whatever other relationship it is.

This was just a fun, viral debate to weird your mind out, but the way in which people reacted can teach us to chill out and consider that it might not be as obvious as you think. The world as you see it, is not the world that anyone else sees. What you are convinced your spouse needs to see may not be as obvious as you consider it to be. In relationships, especially in marriage, it is much less about being right, than it is about being unified.

Oh, and by the way, I was wrong about the dress.

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