The Savior showed love for the women in his life. They were the quiet heroines doing amazing things without asking for acknowledgement. Passionately supporting him and caring for others without asking for any glory. It was a woman that brought the Savior into the world. It was for this woman, his mother, that he performed the first recorded miracle, when he turned water into wine. His last act of loving service on the cross was for his mother. He made sure she was taken care of when he was gone. It was a woman who first heard his voice following the resurrection. He showed us, once again, how to live. He showed us how to love and serve the women in our lives.

Women love to serve. The first thing a woman does when she becomes a mother is forget all the pain she has been through while she nurtures and feeds a tiny helpless baby. She forgets herself as she falls totally and helplessly in love. Even a woman who has never delivered a baby of her own may spend her life serving the children all over the world, her aging parents, or friends and community.

We were raised surrounded by women who were never able to have children of their own, yet raised a family. We had four childless great aunts. They were teachers, wives, poets, and dancers. Every single one of them was a mother and grandmother without ever delivering a baby. Every child in their universe, even if it wasn't their own child, was served, cared for and loved. Why did they all love each of us as if we were their own? Because that is what women do best - love and serve. Women are passionate creatures infinitely capable of love.

This Mother's Day, we recognize and realize that the way many women in our lives show love is through quiet, passionate service in their homes, churches, jobs and communities without ever asking for thanks. Service is their love language. Service provided through chocolate chip cookies, bedtime stories, domestic violence advocacy, community involvement, and education. Then coming home to do the laundry, fix their own car and weed the garden. A great way to show them love is to serve them.

Here are some ways to celebrate women by speaking their love language, service


For years, your mother may have cooked or made sure you had your favorite food on your birthday or special holidays. Get to know your mother. Find out her favorite foods. Make her favorite meal or mail her something you baked with your own hands. Remember, the most important ingredient is love.


Grandmothers love us unconditionally and see the beauty in everything we do. They have also lived long enough to have some amazing adventures. Collect stories and photos from your grandmother's history. Make a video or audio tape of her voice telling you about the world when she was young. Compile them into a record, and make copies for her and your family members. Have a movie night or red carpet party for your first viewing.

Aunts and adopted moms

We all have that special aunt or adopted friend, who really understood us, listened, made us her own, and still has all our love. Make it official, and give her a certificate of adoption. Create a family tree and graft her in. Paint it on a door, canvas or even carve it out of wood and present it to her. Include a list of all the ways she changed your world by listening. Spend some time listening to her.


Your wife selflessly serves; taking care of your children and your home. Some may work to provide for the family, as well. What are her passions? What drives her? Try and find a time you can spend, one on one, with her. Make sure all electronics are off with no distractions. Listen to her, ask her questions, and really get to know her. Time and love can do a lot for a wife. Life gets so busy for wives and mothers. Spend a little time each day silently doing a service for her without being asked. Fold the laundry or invite her to read a book while you finish the dishes after dinner.

Sisters and friends

Sisters, both by genetics and by spirit, are incredibly special to women. We are all in this together and love to have someone with whom to share the joy and pain. Your sister brings so much joy to you. Why not bring some sunshine to her? Get a box, and fill it with some of her favorite things - treats, a book, scarf, a kind note or funny card. You may include some of the things that remind you of time spent together. Once, my sister sent me a small picture book she had made out of cardboard and pretty paper filled with pictures of us when we were small along with pictures of the sunrise and sunset on the beach where I grew up. It is still a special treasure to me.

Women gone from this world

When a woman leaves this plane of existence, her beauty, passion and light takes so much space, we can't possibly fill it. Remember the women who have gone before us by doing something in their honor. If she loved to garden, you could donate a tree. If she saved money to send you to college, you could donate college money to local youth.

The Savior showed us the way to care for the women in our lives. This Mother's Day, speak the language of love that women speak the whole world over and do an act of service. Listen and learn why women are so beautiful. They are beautiful because no mortal body could ever hope to contain so many acts of love and service. Beautiful service radiates from their faces, shines in their eyes, and makes them angels creating heaven on earth.

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