It's no easy thing, but the most important thing to remember is that if you fall victim to a cheating spouse, it's not your fault. Here are three reasons people in happy marriages cheat:

1. Their emotional dependency on you gives them anxiety

Some people are afraid to get too connected to one person in the fear that they might lose them. They don't like when just one person is their everything, so they feel more comfortable splitting their affection with another person.

2. Lust generally isn't a part of a happy marriage

The term "lust" tends to be taboo these days - it can be associated with aggression, submission and domination. Because happy marriages don't tend to be what some might consider lustful, they search for that satisfaction elsewhere.

3. Routine and predictability can kill their excitement

While stability is a great pillar for living life, some might feel like it stifles creativity and spontaneity. They rely on their comfortable, happy marriage to give them stability, but they get their excitement elsewhere.

While the numbers can be staggering, no marriage is doomed to fail from the beginning. With the startling statistics of infidelity and divorce rates, it might be difficult to have faith in love and marriage, but there is still so much to believe in.

What these numbers tell us is that we need more people willing to fight for love and marriage - we need more husbands and wives who make the commitment to stay faithful through all the hardships. We need more people to use these three ways to fight the statistics and choose love:

1. Communicate

Make it a daily effort to be on the same page with your sweetheart. Confide in each other any fears or concerns you might have - whether or not it's about your relationship. Talk often and consistently. You two should have ultimate trust in each other and not be afraid to make your relationship your top priority in life.

2. Shake things up in the bedroom

Being on the same page intimately in marriage is so important, just make sure to make it fun for the both of you. Having a healthy and intimate relationship strengthens your relationship and bonds the two of you together emotionally and physically.

3. Keep dating

Just because you two have said your "I do's" doesn't mean you shouldn't keep getting to know each other. Go on dates and continue to share special moments together. Take time out of your busy schedules to have fun together, and your relationship will never seem dull.

While the numbers against marriage are staggering, you don't have to lose hope. You can choose to fight for your marriage and get your happily ever after.

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