romance scams

Online dating can often lead to love, or it can lead to talking to strange people on the internet. However, a stranger person is better than a scammer. There are numerous red flags to look out for while dating online, and one of the major ones is when you’re rushed to give your phone number. Last year, a record $1.3 billion was lost in the United States due to romance scams.

Why you should think twice before giving out your number.

The conversation might seem like it’s going well, or maybe it doesn’t seem like any conversation out of the norm with someone on a dating site or app. Either way, a common next step after meeting someone on a dating site is exchanging numbers. It might seem like a natural way to progress the conversation, but it may be a setup for a potential scam. Here are a few scams that could pop up by giving a stranger your number.

Texting scams.

Exchanging numbers might not mean you’ll be an automatic target, and the scammer may play the long con by getting your number. You may be familiar with text scams, but you might not associate the possibility of falling victim to one with a potential match you’ve met online. However, if they have your number, they might eventually send fake texts that trick you into providing sensitive information.

Unfortunately, text message scams are pretty cunning, and the scammers are looking for real people to send them to, so they’ve resorted to finding them via methods like making fake online dating profiles.

Two-factor authentication scams.

Most people have to set up two-factor authentication on their accounts, whether banking, social media, or any other account. This means you have a backup protection method, so if someone tries to log into your account, you’ll receive a text. While your guard is usually up, a potential suitor might be able to use your number and trick you into giving them a code, thus giving them access to your account.

When you receive a login code and aren’t trying to login into an account yourself, don’t give that code to anybody. If you think someone is trying to access your account, disengage with whoever you gave your number to, and change the password for the account they’re trying to log in to.

SIM card swap scam.

This is a more extreme scam that can happen if you give the right scammer your number. The hacker will buy a new burner phone and put a SIM card in it. Using your number, they’ll contact your phone carrier, explaining that they lost their SIM card and need a new one. Then, they’ll give your number as proof of identity. If they succeed, they might be able to get your phone number transferred to their SIM card and phone, meaning they took over access to your phone number. Of course, this could lead them to hack more accounts since any two-factor authentication codes will go to them.

How to avoid romance scams.

It’s best not to exchange information before meeting up with someone in person, and you should take more precautions if you decide to meet. If you want to continue the conversation beyond the website or app, use a second phone number. You can create one for free using Google Voice. You should also be wary when interacting with people you meet online, especially if they ask for your financial details or personal information.

Scammers usually create fake profiles to trap unsuspecting victims. They may try to establish a relationship with you to gain your trust and take advantage of you emotionally or financially. It would also help if you researched the person you’re talking to. Don’t take what they say as the truth. Instead, Google their name, check their social media profiles, and see if anything suspicious comes up.

Whatever you do, please don’t send money to someone you’ve never met in person, no matter what sob story they give you. Remember, it’s likely a scam if someone asks for money. If you believe someone is a scammer, report them to the social media platform or the dating site and block them immediately. It’s essential to take action to protect yourself and others.

Online dating can be a rollercoaster of uncertainty and excitement. You may feel some real connections and love, but you should watch out for strange people and sneaky scammers. Don’t rush into giving them your number because you could be exposing yourself to a plethora of scams. To protect yourself, don’t give out your phone number and use a second number like Google Voice instead and only use dating sites with solid security measures to fend off scammers and fakes. If you see something suspicious, report the scammers immediately.

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