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According to WebMD, you naturally lose around 100 strands of hair every day. However, if you suspect more strands of hair than normal are in your comb or find that your hair is coming out in clumps, these 12 common causes may be the culprit:

1. Stress

The Mayo Clinic outlines that stressful events (like divorce, moving, issues at work, etc) can push your hair follicles out of the growing phase and into the resting phase. After a few months, those "resting phase" hairs fall out.

2. Your thyroid

Both an under reactive and an over reactive thyroid can result in hair loss, but Everyday Heath does outline that with proper treatment, the hair loss is usually reversible.

3. Genetics

When it comes to severe hair loss and baldness, genetics may be the cause. Studying the DNA of more than 52,000 middle-aged men, researchers found that this trait can be linked to 287 independent genetic signals. The predisposition to hair loss can come from both your mother and your father.

4. Pregnancy and delivery

40 to 50 percent of new mommies will experience increased hair loss after their little bundle arrives. So if you notice more hair loss once your baby turns a month or two old, don't worry, it's normal. The American Pregnancy Association suggests eating a healthy diet (rich in vitamins and antioxidants), using conditioners high in biotin and avoiding stressful hair styles that tug at your hair to prevent further loss.

5. Not enough protein

If you notice more hair strands than normal on your pillow, maybe your diet is to blame. A lack of protein tells your body to save protein, meaning it'll shift your hairs into a resting phase that will fall out in a few weeks' time. Crash diets and a sudden shift in what and how you're eating could be the culprit.

6. Autoimmune-related

Autoimmune diseases have many symptoms but, hair loss can be an indicator of diseases likelupus and Hashimoto's disease.

7. How you wear your hair

While several things on this list are hard to prevent, you do have quite a bit of control when it comes to how you style your hair. Overstyling your hair with heating products (like a blow dryer or straightener), wearing your hair in tight ponytails or pigtails and coloring your hair can all damage your locks, according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

8. Anemia

Losing more hair than normal may be linked to a lack of certain nutrients, like iron. If you think hair loss may be linked to an iron deficiency, HealthLine suggests getting your blood tested and increasing your iron intake.

9. Certain medications

Changes in your hair's texture, excess growth and loss can all be attributed to side effects of certain medications.WebMD highlights several medications that can have hair loss as a symptom, including anti-depressants, birth control pills and even NSAIDs (or most pain relievers).

10. Problems with the scalp

An unhealthy scalp can mean that your hair is having a hard time growing which leads to more hair loss than normal. Prevention suggests consulting a doctor about your scalp to get the appropriate treatment.

11. Too much Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for hair growth, but too much can stunt your hair's ability to grow (and instead causes your hair to shed more).

12. Daily life

As outlined before, daily life will mean some natural hair loss. But paying attention to what your normal shedding schedule is like and noticing any increased hair loss can help you keep an eye on your health and find the cause .

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