Back in the day it was so simple. You just walked up to another kid on the playground and you had a new best friend. These days, there are more challenges.
You may feel like you have no talent for it
So basically you're in denial
But eventually you're forced to face the fact: You're lonely
And you start wondering if you're some kind of social pariah
You decide a party is a great place to make new friends and discover you don't know a soul there
You think that someone's waving at you, but it was the person behind you
Don't worry; no one saw ...
When someone actually talks to you and you agree like crazy
But really you just agree with the fact that they're talking to you.
You try to converse, but you just mess it all up
You curse yourself for letting such abominations escape your mouth
If you don't have something great to say, don't say anything at all.
So you ponder something hilarious to say for next time
But end up just not ever speaking again
So everyone thinks you're crazy dull
You're just trying to do the socially correct thing at all times
But sometimes you don't know what that is.
People actually invite you to something and you can't even go
So you have to resort to inviting yourself along some other time. But then you don't know if they actually want you there or not.
You definitely bonded; but they treat it like it was nothing
And you might come off a little desperate
But you're just so excited to have a new friend.
You definitely feel a little bit like you're hitting on them
But you just want them to know how amazing they are
But eventually someone wants you to be their friend for real!
You don't even know how to handle yourself.
And you kind of can't believe you won at friendshipping
They like you! They really like you!