Some people can look at a piece of paper and instantly feel inspired. Some can go on a run for hours just enjoying what nature has to offer and come back a changed person. Well, some people aren't me.
I bet you probably have felt the same way I do and don't always know where to go or what to do to get inspired.
Searching for true passion and joy is a fundamental step to discovering your true purpose.
If you are feeling stuck and can't seem to find what you are looking for, here are some ideas that might help you find the inspiration you are seeking.
Find it in people
Ask everyone you see what they are grateful for.
Ask someone to share his or her passion with you.
Meet with a person whose opinion you value and share your personal struggles with them. Their words of wisdom will mean the world.
Listen to music that moves you.
Spend quality time with your family.
Make a list of all the people who inspire you and why.
Find it outdoors
Walk around nature. Get your blood pumping can clear your head.
Draw or paint the outdoors.
Grab your camera and take some pictures.
Meditate or practice Yoga.
People watch in the park to see how other people find themselves.
Practice deep breathing.
Find it through experience
Teach someone one of your many talents.
Try something new that you never thought you could do.
Write a bucket list.
Send your resume to your dream job. You'll never know if you are good enough unless you try.
Attend a conference, concert, or other event.
Create a scrapbook of all your accomplishments.
Find it through technology
Read up on other people's inspirational stories through blogs.
Search for tweets with #inspiration in them.
Watch a TED video or other inspirational video/movie.
Join a page on a social media site where people share inspirational quotes or stories.
Create your own blog or Facebook page where you can give inspiration.
Browse through quotes from people who inspire and motivate you.
Find it in yourself
Start a healthy habit today and reflect on the results in a week.
Get out of your comfort zone and see what is revealed to you.
Reflect upon any previous work and see what you have accomplished.
Spill your hopes and dreams into a journal.
Ask others what strengths they see in you, and see if you can see them in yourself.
Forgive someone for a wrong they may have done to you and see how you feel afterwards.
Take up a new hobby. You may have a hidden talent.
Express yourself in new way. I recommend singing in the shower!
Everyone has their own unique way to find inspiration. What's yours?